The Home

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I realised after I published the first chapter that I forgot to mention this is an AU of the mean girls universe so It follows the same storyline but is a little different in late chapters.



My first day at the inpatient therapy centre was difficult.

My mum had to beg me to pack that day and cried when I left, I didn't understand why at the time, it seemed insane that she could be so upset about sending me to this place when she had pushed for me to go.

I get it now though. She was worried I wasn't gonna come out again.

She thought she was losing me.

It was a fairly big building, it looked more like a rather large house from the outside which was not what I expected. (Looking back I'm still not sure what I expected...)
There were big windows with fairy lights and paintings hung on the inside of them, it looked like a nice place but I still didn't know how to feel about having to live there for the school year. I'd miss my mum. A lot.

She knocked on the door for me, one of my large yellow suitcases at her feet, I didn't move from her side, gripping her hand in a way that was probably too tight. She had been with me the entire time, when I came out to her and my dad, when he left, when Regina destroyed my life, when I started to go to therapy, that night in the bathroom, she had been with me the whole time. But now I was going to be alone in a place I didn't know and it scared me. A lot.

The door opened to reveal a kind looking woman it a cosy grey sweater and blue jeans, her hair was down around her face in brown curls and she had piercing blue eyes, she smiled when she saw me. "Hi there! You must be Janis!"
I nodded not truly trusting myself to speak to her without crying.
"Great! Well I'm Erika I'll be the activities manager her at the Home, come in, I'll give you a tour and introduce you to the staff. I'll let you get to know than other kids yourself."

Me and my mum followed Erika into what appeared to be a kitchen, there were a group of youngish adults already in there sat at the kitchen counter talking. When we walked in they turned and smiled upon seeing Erika with us.
"Oooh fresh meat!" One of the people sat at the counter exclaimed, earning a playful punch from the short haired brunette next to him.
"Grey leave her alone she only just got here!" They said, rolling their eyes and smiling at me kindly, she eyed up my jacket, the one I hand painted myself, "I love you jacket! Did you decorate it?"

I nodded again, shyness taking over me as she smiled again and turned back to Grey who I noticed also had blue eyes like Erika. His were just as piercing and although he had frightened me at first I quickly saw just how cuddly he was when her pulled the brunette into his arms and squeezed her tightly as they both laughed. There were two other people sat at the table, another brunette who had slightly darker more tanned skin then the first and a blond woman who was sat next to her talking.

"Okay so Barrett and Grey are our in house managers, they stay here 24 hours of the day so go to them if you have any issues," Erika said pointing at the brunette and Grey who had suddenly snapped out of their hug and were both giving a form of strange wave, "The two on the end are Ashley and Kate, they run the schooling section of the Home, with varying degrees success," both Ashley and Kate waved, pulling faces when Erika spoke and giggling, "and then Taylor is our... wait where's Taylor?"

All the adults in the room either shrugged or looked around with slightly confused expressions, they didn't seem very organised but it was funny to watch.
"Bear could you go find her for me? I want Janis and her mother to meet her before Mrs Sarkisian leaves." Erika asked sighing.
Barrett nodded, standing up and heading towards the other end of the kitchen where a staircase was tucked away, then without warning she yelled up the stairs, "Louderman! E wants you so get your ass down here!"

I cringed as she did this, not used to an adult being so openly loud around me, most adults felt they had to dumb themselves down and shuffle around me so not to upset me, it was nice to think that this particular group of adults didn't.

"Barrett that was not what I ment!" I heard Erika scold Barrett and smiled at the brunette as she sat back down, it was the first genuine smile I'd had in weeks and it felt really good. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here.
Then I heard footsteps on the stairs and turned to watch as another blond came down the stairs, a bright smile on her face and a pair of glasses on the edge of her nose, "You sent for me Erika?" She said, throwing a goofy glare at Barrett and then standing next to Erika who nodded.

"We have a knew kid joining us today, she's gonna be one of your group so I figured I should introduce you. Taylor this is Janis, Janis this is Taylor our head therapist." Erika motioned between us, I looked up at Taylor with a nervous smile, she just smiled back, not saying anything as if she understood I didn't really want to talk.

Everyone in the room jumped as there was a loud thud from the floor above us and then a lot of shouting from what sounded like a group of teenagers. Both Grey and Barrett stood up, shooting apologetic looks at Erika, me and my mother and then shooting up the stairs. I chuckled as I heard Greys voice through the ceiling and a laugh that had to have been Barretts, so nothing bad could have happend.

Sighing Taylor turned to Kate and Ashley, "Could you two go make sure they are okay? I know them two are supposed to be in charge but Grey has a soft spot for Remmy and Jess and I know that came from their room so he's probably helping them do something stupid."
The pair nodded and disappeared up the stairs as well, leaving the kitchen empty appart from Me, mum, Erika and Taylor, suddenly I felt a lot more nervous and under scrutiny even though they weren't really looking at me. Erika lead us through to another room which was clearly an office, one that had a large number of art works on the wall and big windows with pail blue curtains and matching arm chairs in front of the large oak desk that had piles and plies of books on it, leaving enough room for a small laptop in front of the desk chair.

Erika motioned for us to sit and then sat herself behind the desk, a small smile on her lips as she watched me take in the room.
"Pretty isn't it. Kate convinced me to decorate it but we had a few issues cause technically this is Grey and Barretts office seem as they live here. Both of them wanted a darker coulor." She chuckled lightly and turned to my mother.

It was time for the technicalities.

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