The Hair

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Ah yes...The summer. What a journey.

Hi Janis! Yeah I just stole your diary and I'll be losing my life for it later so I might as well tell you that I'm sorry about your hair. Even years later I still feel bad.

You cannot deny you rocked the look though so I mean...You really should be thanking me.

Thanking you? I'll bloody whip your ass if you steal this thing again you crumb!

So where was I?

Oh yeah, the summer after sophomore year.

Me and Damian had taken Obi for a walk near a large lake in one of the parks by his house. The weather had been good so Ma Hubbard had kicked us out of the house for the day (Interrupting a very important movie binge), and told us to go do something productive (like watching movies with my best friend wasn't productive).

I pulled my hair back off my face, tugging it all into a sloppy pony tail and attempting to ignore the horrified looks I got from Damian.
"You'll kill your hair by doing that!" He chided, throwing a ball for Obi and laughing when the dog shot straight past it.
"So what, I wanna get it cut anyway." I raised an eyebrow at him and smirked, mimicking chopping all my hair off.
"Janis Sarkisian you are not cutting your hair that short!" He cried, smacking my hand away and glaring at me.
"Damian it's my hair. You can't exactly stop me." I pointed out.

He stopped walking and crossed his arms, "Well I like you hair long." He sulked, "How am I gonna style it if you have none?"
"God Dame I was joking!" I sniggered, "I am never cutting my hair short. I tried once and looked like a bloody boy!"
Damian pulled a offended expression and put a hand over his heart dramatically, "In response for my entire gender...Ouch!"
"Oh get over yourself." I snorted as we began walking again, "You are more of a woman then I will ever be!"

Damian nodded in agreement, "Wait didn't Grey say that to Barrett that one time at group?" He asked, his eyes lighting up with a laugh.
"Yes." I said, "Who do you think I steal all my jokes off of?"
We grinned at one another and began taking turns in throwing the ball for Obi.
"But I mean if you wanted I could cut your hair for you." Damian stated turning to me.
I choked on air and gave him a strange look, "You cutting my hair?"
He nodded, "Yeah, I could do it. Ma does mine all the time!"
I snort, "Your mother does it. Not you. Besides, I have a lot of hair to lose, you don't!"
He elbows me in the side, "Come on Jan! It'll be fun."
"If rather eat lunch with Regina George." I stated sarcastically.

The snipping of the scissors behind me set me on edge from the moment I heard it, "Remind me again how you convinced me to let you do this?" I asked Damian as he cut off all of the split ends I had developed after bleaching my naturally dark hair last year.
"Because I'm an amazing hairdresser and you can never say no to me!" He replied, the glee in his voice not being successfully hidden.
"Bingo." I sighed, touching a hand to the hair that he had already cut, it sat just below my shoulders and although it wasn't short, I didn't like how different it felt. It was all healthy and even though, so I couldn't really complain.

Damian wouldn't let me sit in front of a mirror, claiming it would ruin the surprise, so instead we were out on the landing. My butt (all one of them) was slowly going numb on the stool I had been forced to sit on.
"You realise if Ma comes home and sees this she'll kill us both right?" I point out, sniggering.
"Yep!" Damian replies popping the P and bouncing slightly.
"And you don't care at all?"
I chuckle, "I finally figured you out Dude."
"How so?"
"You have a death wish!" I guess, ignoring the way he snorts behind me, "I mean you're becoming more reckless than me!"

"No one, my dear JanJan, is more reckless then you." He teases, "I'm dead serious when I say I don't think that's possible."
"Okay first of all rude and second of all I'm still not convinced you know what your doing!"
"Oh have a little faith Janis it's not like I'm going to accidentally chop all your hair off." There's a particularly loud sipping sound next to my right ear and he freezes, "Shit."
I feel my eyes go wide and I look at my feet to see a chunk of my two toned hair fall to the floor, it is a  considerable amount longer than the other pieces around it.
"Damian..." I say, my voice dangerously low, "What did you just do?"

"Er- nothing!" He squeaks, his warm fingers touching the side of my head as if to check that he hadn't just done what we both knew he had.
"Bullshit." I deadpanned, "Now tell me the truth and then maybe run before I can kill you."

An hour later the hair on the right side of my head was cropped right down to my skull and Damian was a mess of apologies as Ma lectured us both, but mostly him.
"What in the name of all things unholy made you think that was a good idea?" She cried, barely stifling the laugh bubbling in her chest as she looked at the two of us, "Actually don't answer that. It's not worth the headache." She turned to me, a loving smile on her lips, "Janis dear you look beautifully fierce, but maybe next time don't trust Damian with a pair of scissors."
I snort, elbowing a pail Damian in the ribs, "Yeah he's not coming near me with a blade again."

"I said I was sorry." He grumbled, pulling a face and slumping where he sat.
"Yes and I said I'd kill you and you're still alive. So maybe stop moaning." I stuck my toung out at him and ruffled his hair, "Don't worry Damian. I love it!" I promised, running a hand through my thick locks.
He perked up, "Really? You like it?"
"Yeah. I look like I could totally murder the plastics now. It's great."
I grinned maniacally at him and then dissolved into giggles as Ma made a noise and left the room, "Next time I go to a hairdressers agreed?"

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