The Return

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The first day of Junior year was a bit of a mess. We were upperclassmen now which meant we had to act mature and whilst I would have normaly been good at this, Regina George did not bring out the best in me. Actually I think she's the only person that is capable of bringing out the worst of my with a click of her heels.

Me, Damian and Obi were fully prepared for the bullying and shoving but what happend the first day back is sickening to think about. I had almost lost it in front of one of the worst bullies in the school.

Let's just say my nightmares don't just focus around Regina anymore.

"Damian Hubbard I hate you!" I called into my soulmates room, hearing him scramble out of the door and into mine.
"And why would that be sweets?" He asked, humoring me.
I tugged on a peice of my hair and glared at him through the mirror k was stood in front of, "I can't style my hair normaly because of your botched up haircut job!" I cried.
"Hey I though you liked it!"
"I do but I'm still annoyed!"
Damian sniggered and pulled all of my hair so it sat of the left side of my head, "There, beautiful." He complimented, kissing my cheek and leaving the room with a speechless me still inside.

"Girl why are you taking AP English?" Damian cried, looking at my timetable in distane whilst we were sat in homeroom comparing our schedules.
"Because I am smarter then 99% of that class and I've always been in the higher class for English." I state, snatching my schedule back and taking a look at his, "Oh good you have study hall during my art lesson!"
"Thank God! However would I survive an entire hour without seeing you!" Damian flopped over his table dramatically, "Not like we live together or anything."
I sniggered and looked towards Mrs Norbury as she began speaking.

I heard Damian gasp behind me, "Jan don't look now but a really cute girl just walked into the room!" He whispered, as I looked towards the door, "I said don't look now you crumb!"
"Yeah well sorry for being curious!" The girl by the door was cute, she had curly, dirty blond, hair and beautiful eyes that made my head spin a little, "Okay we have to save this one before the Plastics get to her!" I whisper back at Damian, not taking my eyes off the girl.
"Agreed." I heard Damian say as the bell went and we stood to head for French.

By the time break arrived I was already done with the day. Damian had had to grab me to keep me upright after a kid nocked into me and almost sent me flying down the stairs. Then some kid had stood on Obis tale on purpose and had then complained when they got growled at.
"Damian I love you and I'd hate to ruin your perfect record but if another person shoves me today I'm gonna need help burying a body." I snarled as a group of stoners walked past, jeering at us as they went.
I felt Damians hand on my arm and relaxed a little, "Chill Sweet. Break will be over soon anyway."
I nodded and relaxed into his side.

"Hey Space Dyke!" I heard a boy shout from behind us and stiffened again as we turned, "Hey I saw you staring at the new girl today in Homeroom. No wonder everyone calls you a creep!"
I felt my face heat up and squeezed Damians hand in an attempt to keep my cool, "Fuck off Shane." I called back at him, "I don't have time to listen to your asshole brain try to come up with a half decent insult."
Shane got closer to us, causing Damian to push me behind him protectivly, "What did you just say Dyke?" He sneered angrily.
"Back off Oman. We don't want any trouble!" Damian warned, shoving the jock backwards gently, "Just leave us alone." 

Obi was stood beside me, beginning to whine and nudge my hand urgently.
I pulled at Damians arm, "Damian." I called gently, my voice shaking and my heart beginning to hammer in my chest I could feel the tears begin to seep down my cheeks, "Damian can we go?"
He looked down at me and his face changed from one of anger to one of concern very quickly, "Shit JanJan!" He cursed, grabbing my hand and shoving past Shane Oman, ignoring the jeers that were sent our was as we did. He pulled me into the girls bathroom and locked us both in one of the cubicles, "Jan breath sweet. We both know what will happen if you don't."
I nodded, taking a shaky breath and scanning the small space for Obi but he wasn't there, "Damian!" I said more urgently then I meant to.
"Jan relax he's outside the stall." Damian promised, brushing some hair out of my face, "Feel any better?"
"Yeah. Um we should probably head to art now."

"How did you get so good at art anyway?" Damian was sat on a stool beside my easel, petting Obi and spinning a straw hat on his finger in pure boredom.
I shrugged, concentrating on the canvas and the image of Obi I was painting, "I've always loved to draw and paint. I guess I just got better because Dr Louderman signed me up for art therapy."
Damian gave me a funny look, putting the hat on Obis head and sniggering when the dog pawed it off, huffing at him and then laying down, "You never told me Taylor had you doing art therapy."
"Where do you think I disappeared to after group?" I raised an eyebrow at him and continued painting, "Look Damian I love you but you are not very observant. Not at all."
I ignored the toung he stuck out at me in return, "I honestly thought you were off canoodling with JD or something."

I choke on air and flick paint at him whilst laughing, "Damian! I'm gay you dingus, why would I canoodle with JD?" I cried, "Besides him and Ronnie were a thing."
Damian looks genuinely surprised and furrows his brow, "Really? Are you sure?"
I sigh, resisting the urge to face palm, "Oh...My God."

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