The Revenge Party

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Ah yes, time skip to the Halloween of Junior year. Filled with what was in hindsight too much candy, and a lot of revenge planning.

Cady had revealed her crush on Aaron Samuels to us a few weeks before an whilst I wasn't thrilled, I'll admit, she was adamant on getting him to like her so of course we helped. It would have been a lot easier if Regina George wasn't such a bitch though.

I had slowly, over the few months we knew her, begun to trust Cady like I did Damian. Well not completely, she didn't need to know my life story. But we were all really close.

"Guys we have a problem!" Cady cried bursting into the basement with a mildly terrified look on her face.
"Caddie darling you look like someone killed your cat. What's wrong?" Damian asked, pulling the girl into one of his signature bear hugs.
"Gretchen knows I have a crush on Aaron and she says she won't tell Regina but-" Cadys starts to explain but I cut her off quickly.
"But, Gretchen is a blabber mouth." I said, my brow furrowing and the smile I had once been wearing slipping off my face, "Cady why would you tell her that?"
Cady looked upset and flopped on the old couch in possibly a more dramatic way then Damian, "I didn't know Aaron and Regina had dated till Karen and Gretchen told me. How was I supposed to know exes are out of bounds?" She grumbled.

I sat next to her, kicking my feet up on the coffee table earning a look from Damian, "Ma will kill you if she catches you with your feet on the table." He chides, shoving my legs so my feet fall and sitting down next to me with a thump.
"Ma wouldn't know if you weren't such a snitch." I shot back at him, my toung out in his direction.
"What can I say I'm a mommas boy." He said with an innocent expression.
"AKA a suck up." I sniggered, turning to Cady who had her signature confused look on her face.
"You live here?" She asked me with a shaky voice, like she was scared I'd get mad at the question.
I nodded, "Yep." I said, popping the P and leaning back, "My dad's an asshole and wouldn't help pay my sister's hospital bills unless I moved out. So I moved in with my essential second family."
Cadys jaw hung open and she looked completely furious, "That's terrible!" She cried, "Your own father!"

I smiled gently at her, "Cads it's Tits, I'm happy here and Ma Hubbard can actually cook without burning everything so added bonus."
I was happy when the comment made her laugh, leaving it up to Damian to change the subject back to Cadys boy troubles seen as he knew more then I ever would about boys.

Halloween night caught up on us quickly and soon enough me and Damian were camped out on the basement sofa, eating the candy Ma had bought for the trick or treaters, and watching horror films on the old TV that was in the basement.
Damians pointy wizard hat was on the floor after we battled to get Obi to wear it long enough to take a picture, something that we soon realised was a lost cause, but I was still wearing my maleficent horns.
The tv music had begun to get louder and more tense, causing both me and Damian to lean forward and eat more of the candy. Just as the jumpscare was about to happen the basement door burst open and a corpse bride shot in, her dress blood stained.

I am not proud to say that I screamed, but to be fair it took me a moment to realise that the bride was Cady and not a deamon hell bent of killing both me and Damian.
"He took her back!" Cady cried as I stood up, brushing the now everywhere popcorn of my blanket and hugging her, "Aaron just took Regina back!"
"Aww. Aww of course she did Caddie, she's a life ruiner." I soothed, rubbing the poor girls back as Obi licked her hands comfortingly and Damian recovered from the scare.
"Yeah in eight grade she-" Damian was about to spill my secret I just knew it.
I pulled away from Cady, flapping my hand at Damian, "Eh eh eh Damian shall we not?" I cried in fear.
But Cady was already taking before he could reply, "I already know, you and Regina got into a fight because she could only invite like six people to her birthday party."

I physically felt my face go pail and blanched at the idea that Regina was playing the victim in all of this, "That's how she's telling it?" I stuttered angrily.
Damian was beyond mad, "Oh no she isn't. What really happened was-" I went to inturupt again, "No Janis I must. Regina got Janis the morning before school and told her that she couldn't invite Jan to her pool party because she thought she was a lesbian and there would be girls in their bathing suits. She wouldn't stop asking."
"Well what did Janis say?" Cady asked, looking from where I was stood by the sofa to where Damian was.
"What could she say? It wasn't a real question, just an attempt to steal her dignity. And she didn't know why her friend was doing this to her. In that end she just shouted-"
"I am a space alien and I have four butts!" I called sarcastically, ignoring the gasp from Cady.
"By the end of the day someone had keyed the words Space Dyke into her locker. In the end she got taken out of school cause the bullying got so bad." Damian finished, not adding how we met for obvious reasons.

Cady didn't say anything for what felt like ages, I could feel my chest tightening so I spoke to defuse the tension, "Its not ever true." I smirked looking at her, "I only have one butt."
"No, now you know Caddie. Regina George is not you're friend, we are. And we're gonna make her pay!" I grinned at Damian and his eyes lit up.
"Time for a revenge party!" He cheered hugging us both.
"What's a revenge party?" Cady asked, another confused look covering her face, I was starting to think it was the only face she could pull.
"A party where we take Regina George down a few peggs. Make her see that she's still human like the rest of us." I explain, "We can target her weaknesses and go from there. Not to hurt though, obviously. I may hate the bitch but the last thing I need is her getting hurt."

By the time Christmas came around we had already got Gretchen Weiners to squeal on Reginas deepest darkest secrets, told Aaron that she was cheating on him and made Regina gain a few pounds. Oh and she embarrassed herself In front of the entire student body when her skirt fell off at the talent show. Successfully making her hold on the other plastics and the school begin the break.
The breaking point was that Thursday she wore sweatpants. Being an ex-plastic I knew that was against the rules but I never expected Gretchen  to call her out on it.

"You can't sit with us!" The brunette cried, catching the attention of the entire cafeteria.
Cady looked even more surprised then Regina herself and was fighting a smirk. We had done it, we had broke her, finally.
A mini confrontation went down between the Plastics but in the end Regina left, she left!
I turned to Damian with a stunned expression his grin being as contagious as the cheering and laughter I heard from some of the other tables, "Oh. My god." I said with a big smile, "She bloody well did it!"
Looking across the room I saw Cady chatting animatedly to Karen and Gretchen, I felt the smile slip off my face almost as quickly as it had came.

It was hard to explain, but I had a feeling we were losing her. It made my chest tighten and my head feel like it was about to explode. How had I just noticed she was changing.
Gone were the cute flannels and shorts, now she wore girly tops and skirts, her hair in lose curls down her shoulders. Everything about her had changed.

I could see it. So could Damian. But Cady didn't notice she was changing. Not till it was too late.

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