The Decision

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Okay, so Damian says I shouldn't go around saying that Regina George died but I'm not exactly lying. She did! For like, 15 seconds but she still died.

After the bus accident a lot happend at once, Cady owned up to the burn book and while me and Damian knew that she didn't write it, there wasn't much we could do. She ended up getting suspended for three weeks AND banned from spring fling. Aaron Samuels had to be homeschooled and me and Damian, well we missed a few days of school.

When I say a few I mean like a week. There was just a lot happening and Ma didn't want either of us in a possibly hostile environment so she pulled us out for the week to get things to cool down.

That doesn't mean things a home were much better then at school. I made a tough call, one that I'm still not sure was the right one but there wasn't much else I could do.

Ma always promised me I had a place with her and Damian. So I took it.

"Janis dear your mother's on the phone for you!!" Ma called up the stairs from the kitchen.
I looked towards Damian with a nervous expression, Already assuming something was wrong with Marlene, and rushed down the stairs, taking the phone from Ma and pressing it against my ear, "Mum?"
"Hi baby!" My mother's voice called cheerfully through the phone, "I have some good news for you!"
I felt my nerves settle slightly and calmed my breathing, "Really? What is it?" I asked quickly.
"Jan, your sisters out of hospital for good! She's fully recovered and is healthy!" My mum sounded so happy and I couldn't help but laugh in a large amount of relief.
"Oh thank God!" I gasped, running a hand through my hair feverishly, "Can I see her?"

"That's actually what I was calling to ask you." My mother said, "I wanted to know if you would come over for dinner. That's way we could discuss you possibly moving back in, with your father."
I sighed, "Mum is that a good idea. He hates me, like a lot and I don't want to upset Marlene by getting into a huge fight with him"
"Janis please." She begged, sounding tired, "I need you to try to get along with him."
"Fine mum." I relented, knowing my voice sounded harsh, "But if the whole thing blows up in our faces it wasn't my fault. Okay?"
"Okay sweetie. Thank you."

Damian walks me to my old house, his arm linked with mine the entire way there as he chats about some production of Heathers he wanted me to audition for with him.
"Please JanJan!" He begged, "Please, do it for me."
I shook my head, laughing, "I'd rather live with my asshole father." By the time I had replied we were stood outside the house and my pulse was rushing at a inhuman rate, "Shit. I'm going to be murdered if I go in there."
Damian laughed and nocked on the door for me, almost being pushed down the stairs by Marlene as she flung it open and threw herself into my arms with more energy then I'd seen her have in a long time.

"JanJan!" She squeaked happily, "I missed you!"
I laughed at Damians offended face and squeezed her tightly, "I've missed you too Mar. More then you could possibly know."
Marlene then launched herself at Damian and gave him an equally strong hug, "So we finally meet!" She cried dramatically.
"Alas it has been long awaited!" Damian replied, returning the hug.
I gape at them as my mother appears at the door, "Dear God there's two of them." I hear her mutter.
I pull her into a hug and chuckle against her warm skin, "If there were two of either one of them the world would implode." I joke, ignoring the noises of offence both of them make.
Marlene takes my hand, waving goodbye to Damian as he struts down the road and pulling me into the house, "Time for dinner." She beams and I feel my stomach begin to sink.

We make it about halfway through the meal before things go south.

"So Janis..." My mother starts, "Where's Obi? You didn't bring him with you." She points out.
I smile, "Yeah I left him with Ma and Damian, it just seemed like a better idea. I mean you're all my family so I didn't foresee a reason I'd need him."
That was when my father chose to speak up, he spoke quietly but I still heard him, "You ain't no daughter of mine!" He sneered aggressively.
I smiled fakely at him, "Noted." I deadpanned, choosing to ignore him and focus on pulling faces at Marlene from across the table.
"Charles you cannot speak to our daughter like that." My mother chided strictly, "It sets a bad example for Marlene and Janis is half yours."
"Mum it's fine I don't care." I say, my nerves beginning to tingle as I felt the temperature in the room drop several degrees, "Its not worth it."
"I did not choose to raise a Dyke!" My Father cried at the same time I spoke, slamming his knife and fork down and standing, "It's a disgrace."

I slowly put my utensils down and pushed back from the table, "Maybe I shouldn't have come." I said quietly, not making eye contact with anyone, "It's better if I'm not here."
My mother shakes her head, "No Janis both me and Mar want you here."
"Can I please just go home?" I asked in a pained whisper, only realising what I had said was wrong when my mother gasped in hurt.
"This IS your home Janis." She said, placing a hand on my arm.
I move away from her, a tearful expression on my face, "I wish that were true." I say sadly, "But this cannot be my home and his at the same time. I've delt with the toxic assholes at school so not doing it here would be hypocritical. I love you both but I cannot stay here with a father who hates my guts. It's dangerous and I won't do it." I turn to my father and point a shaking finger at him, "I hope you are real proud of yourself. You got rid of me and I'm not coming back, not this time."

I heard Marlene gasp, "What do you mean you're not coming back?" She asks almost in tears.
"I mean I'm moving in with the Hubbard's perminantly. Ma Hubbard offered me a place there when I first moved in and mum's already signed my parental rights over to her. I'm so sorry Mar but I can't stay here. You'll understand when you're a little older." I promise when she comes towards me and pulls me into a hug, "I love you so much. Don't ever forget that." I whisper, kissing her forehead.
"Janis please don't leave us. I love you!" My mother said almost in tears.
"Mum I've been living with the Hubbard's for almost a year now. Why are you only just trying to get me back? I get my father's a toxic ass but I'm your daughter! We could have found a way to help Marlene without me having to leave and then none of this would have happend. It's too late now, I'm happy where I am. I love you and I left to keep Marlene healthy but this is the first time in months I seen any of you. I cannot fathom why that would be."

"That's simple." My Father stated, "I didn't want you spreading improper ideas on to Marlene." He sneers.
"I was right." I state, waving toward the front door, "I shouldn't have come." Then I take a step towards him, "The moment you treat Marlene like you have me, will be the moment I finally give you what you deserve. I don't care if it gets me arrested anymore. That little girl there means more to me then your opinion ever will."

I walk out, ignoring the crys of my mother to come back and walk slowly to the Hubbard's house. Only breaking down once in was on the porch, the tears stinging my eyes and making me feel weak. My hands shaking violently as I use them to mop up the tears streaming down my face.

Somehow I get into bed that night. I don't remember walking up the stairs, but I got there somehow.

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