The Suprise

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Living with the Hubbard's turned out to be one of the best choices of ever made, they were kind people and though Damians dad didn't live with them, the family still felt full, it was just me, Damian and Ma Hubbard against the world. Oh and Obi.

The final day at the Home was full of tears and hugging. I had been told consecutively by Erika, Ashley and Kate to look after myself and Damian, some of the kids gave me their numbers and told me to keep in contact. And then there was Grey and Barrett. It sounds weird but out of all of the people at the Home, me and Damian bonded the most with them. While saying goodbye Barrett slipped me her phone number, which I was sure wasn't technically aloud but she didn't seem to care, and told me to message her if I ever needed anything. Grey did the same with Damian, we exchanged hugs and soon we were on our way home.

The Hubbard residence was a small but comfortable looking two story house with large windows and flowers growing in the beds just outside the door. It looked almost like something from a fairy tale.
I grinned as Mrs Hubbard opened the front door and helped us lugg our cases into the small entrance hall. The house was decorated modestly, with pictures of Damian and what I could only assume were other family members nailed to the walls, plants and shelves placed methodically around both the kitchen and living room, everything was bright and homey and I instantly felt a connection to it.

"Ooh let's go upstairs and see your room!" Damian cheered and before I could think he had whisked me off my feet.
"Damian!" I screeched at the same time that Mrs Hubbard yelled, "Damian Hubbard don't you dare drop her!" Soming that was barely hearable over both of our laughing.
I looped my arms around his neck and chuckled as he almost tripped over the last step, "If you drop me I will hold no qualms with killing you."
"Relax I wouldn't dream of it." He snarked back at me, purposely letting me drop for a moment before tightening his grip, "I like my life."

He put me down once we reached a plain brown door at the end of the landing, "This is you. My rooms opposite and mum sleeps in the room next to the bathroom." He informed me, pulling the handle to my door down and pushing it open.
I gasped as I saw the inside, it was decorated exactly how I would have done it myself.
The bed was in the middle of the room the headboard pressed against the back wall, my favourite sheets, which were plain white and had paint splats all over them were on the bed, making it pop with colour. There was a small white desk in one corner and a wardrobe in the other, but the thing that caught my eye immediately was the easel in front of the window, it had different sized canvases leant up against it and a small bag of painting supplies hung off the back of it.

I felt tears begin to trickle down my cheeks and sniffed in a desperate attempt to play it cool.
"Oh my god Janis what's wrong?" Damian saw my face and pailed considerable.
I shook my head, grinning at him, tears still escaping, "Nothing, it's perfect. Thank you." I pulled him into a hug, one that he gladly returned after realising that I didn't hate the room.
"So you like it?" He asked, blush creeping up onto his cheeks when I nodded, "I helped decorate whilst you were packing on Thursday."
"Ah so that's where you disappeared off to!" I hugged him again for good measure, "Really thank you."

"Kids! I've got a surprise for you!" I jumped at the sound of Mrs Hubbard calling up the stairs and turned to Damian who didn't look shocked at all, "Let me guess... you already know what the surprise is?" I asked sarcastically.
His eyes widened guiltyly, "Wha- No! How would I- Oh bother yes I know."
I chuckled at his failed attempt at keeping calm, "For a theatre nerd you are crap at acting." I teased as we made out way down the stairs.
Once we reached the bottom Damian grabbed my arm before letting me ended the living room and covered my eyes, "No peaking Picasso!" He chidded as he began to guide me forward into what I hoped wasn't a wall, but knowing Damian probably was.
"You know I feel a bit left out." I joked as I stumbled forward, "You guys all know what the surprise is."

"Oh hush you'll love it!" Damian reassured me, "Okay, stop and put you're hand out in front of you."
I didn't move, "Why? This surprise isn't going to bite me is It?" I was only kidding but the fear did still grip at my insides, it was Damian after all.
"Nope." He paused for a moment, "Well probably not anyway."
"Damian don't scare the poor girl!" Mrs Hubbard scolded, she couldn't keep the laughter from her voice though.

Reluctantly I stuck my hand out, almost jumping out of my skin when something wet and cold butted up against it. The next thing I felt was soft and warm, furlike. I gasped and felt a grin spread across my face as I bounced up and down squealing. "Oh my god! No way!"
Damians hands uncovered my eyes and I felt my entire body bubble with excitement. There, sat in front of me was the biggest dog I had ever seen. He was a shaggy German shepherd with the most beautiful tan and black coat and the world's biggest hazel eyes.
"JanJan meet Obi, your new service dog!" Damian was stood next to me, a vibrant smile on his face as I stared down at the dog.
"How did this happen so quickly. Mum only just put the application through." I asked, amazedly, turning to Mrs Hubbard.
She laughed, "Your mother is a cunning woman, she put the application through months ago, she just didn't mention it. He's been waiting for you since around the time you threw that party at the Home. He's fully trained and everything, you just need to familiarise yourselves with one another."

I didn't even mean to, but I burst into tears, bringing a hand to my mouth to cover the sobbs. Mrs Hubbard and Damian swooped in almost immediately, wrapping me in a warm hug, "Thank you!" I cried into her shoulder as Obi licked my hand, "Thank you so much! For everything!"
"It's nothing dear, while you're here you are my daughter and I'd give you the world if I could!" She kissed my forehead and smiled at me in a motherly way, "Welcome home."

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