The Mean Girls

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I'd love to say that the Plastics aren't bad people but Damian told me it's not good to lie so I guess I can't.
I know they aren't all bad and now that I'm all grown up or whatever I know I should forgive them, but I can't. What Regina George did to me was terrible and Karen and Gretchen did nothing to stop it.

How can I forgive that?

Then again, I'm not exactly a good person either. What happend junior year was kinda my fault but I never asked for any of it. I was perfectly content to have Cady as a friend and be done with it.

Funny how plans change isn't it?

The hush that fell over the cafeteria told me one thing, the plastics were coming. Great.
Cady of course was completely entrapped with the sheer undeniable power that followed them around.
"Okay who's that?" She asked, her eyes alight with wonder.
"We call those three the plastics, they're shiny, fake and hard." Damian moaned, cast a worried glance at me which I pretended not to see.
"They play their little mind games all around the school." I ground out, watching Regina with an expression that probably looked like envie, but I can assure you wasn't, "Regina George is the queen bee!" I said, pointing at the blond that for some reason had thought it was a good idea to wear all white, to school.
"That one there is Gretchen Weiners, she's filthy rich because her dad invented the toaster strudel." Damian said, pointing to the only brunette in the group of Barbies.
"She knows everything about everyone."
"That's why her hairs so big. It's full of secrets." Damian joked, making me choke a laugh and Cady giggle outright.

Then there was the last girl. The only one I could safely say is innocent.
"That's Karen Smith, the dumbest person you'll ever meet." I explained, pointing vaguely at her.
Damian leant in to Cady, "I once saw her put a D in the world Orange." He uttered, Cady looked like she didn't believe him but we both nodded at her anyway, revealing in her strange expression.
"The plastics are not to be messed with." Damian explained, holding Cadys arm in a state of urgency.
"They are not good people and they are not your friends." I added glaring in the plastics direction. Regina caught my eye and grinned. I felt the colour leave my face and sat down, looking at my hands, "Don't trust them."

Cady nodded and picked up her tray, "I'll be back in a second." She promised, disappearing in the direction of one of the bins.
Damian sat down beside me and put an arm around my shoulders, "You alright JanJan?" He asked kindly.
I nodded, leaning into him, "Yeah. I dunno, Regina gave me a look, it's making me uneasy and I don't know why."
"Jan we both know she's good at getting inside your head." Damians voice was soft but I knew he was worried.
"Damian it's fine, if I was feeling anxious I'd of left the room already." I promised, my eyes drifting over to where Cady had been apprehended at the plastics table, "Well shit." I heard myself mutter.

Damian followed my sight line and sighed angrily, "Let's hope she's not won over like all the other kids in this bloody school."
I nodded, reaching under the table to run my fingers through Obis fur, something that was surprisingly comforting, "I wanna say Cady is different but if Regina squeals about the pool party then we are gonna lose her Damian."
"Gasp! Am I not a good enough friend to you?" Damian teased, his overly flamboyant person back in place like the flick of a switch.
I patted his shoulder and leant against him, laughing slightly, "I love you and you are more than enough." I promised, "But other friends would be nice. You know for the times when I can't bare the sight of you." I was joking, obviously.
"Janis Sarkisian! How dare you. As if you would ever be able to hate me that much." Damian cried, his hand over his heart as he faked being hurt.
I snorted, "Oh yes how terrible that would be." I drawled, only then realising that Cady was coming back towards us, a strange look on her face.

"They want me to sit with them at lunch." She said once she was close enough, pointing to where the Plastics had been sitting, the table was now empty and it was clear they had left.
I couldn't help but laugh, even if I hate Regina I had to cover her credit. Cady was knew and impressionable, the perfect plastic candidate, "That's Tits!" I cried, standing and holding Damians arm to keep me steady.
Cady gave me a confused look, "She means it's amazing." Damian supplied, patting me on the back and smiling at Cady.
I felt a lightbulb go off in my head and looked at Cady with what I hoped was a cheeky smile, "Take them up on the offer and then come back to tell us every stupid thing they say!" I didn't intend to actually do anything with the stuff she told us because there was no point, with Regina being the queen bee and all, but it would still be funny.

I saw Damians face light up but Cady still looked unsure, "Isn't spying on people bad?" She asked nervously.
"Caddie, we're your friends. Would we ask you to do something bad?" I know that probably wasn't the best thing to say, it felt manipulative and wrong, but in the heat of the moment it's the only thing my brain came up with.
When Cadys face lit up with a unsure but less nervous smile I released a nervous breath, "Great!" She beamed her curls flying, "Let's do it!"
Both me and Damian cheered, Obi yipping just to be included.
"Do either of you have something pink I can borrow?" She then asked, I felt like laughing at the question but it was probably a bit mean.
"No." I answered at the same time that Damian said, "Of course which shade?" In a gushing voice.
I quirked an eyebrow, "Wow Damian you've really out gayed yourself." I teased as he took my hand and Cadys, leading us out of the cafeteria and sticking his toung out at me.

Cady spent the rest of the day with us, telling us stories about her life in Africa and about all the animals she got to look after.
"How very." Damian said, doing his best Heather Chandler impression, something that only made Cady look confused.
"Damian she grew up in Africa." I reminded him, "They don't have musical theatre there."
"Fine then," Damian huffed, slumping in his chair slightly, "How fetch."
Cady cracked a smile at this and began laughing, "Isn't that Gretchens catchphrase?"
I groaned, leaning against the table and slamming my head down, which no surprise, hurt, "I hate you both." I moaned teasingly, making them both laugh.

It was the start to an interesting friendship I could tell already.

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