The New Girl

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Okay I'm sorry I was posting chapters consistently every other day but then it was results day and I forgot. Sorry.



Becoming friends with Cady Heron turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes I had ever made. Looking back now I think of it as more of a happy mistake, but she did for a short while, derail my entire life.

When we first met she was a mess with no clue how school worked and no idea what getting socialised actually meant. If she knew she never would have come to Northshore. If she knew, we never would have become friends.

Again it was a happy mistake.

"Did you see where Africa went?" Damian asked me as we shoved our way through the busy halls, he had hold a hold of my hand protectivly and was holding onto Obis harness so we didn't lose him as well.

"Um someone mentioned that the new girl had gone into the girls bathroom at the start of lunch." I guessed, gripping his hand tightly, "I guess we can check and see if she's in there."

Damian nodded and dragged me towards the girls bathroom, not even hesitating before entering because by now most of the girls were used to him just barging in. He knelt down at the middle stool and looked at me with a thumbs up.
I run round the other side, Obi following and allow Damian the pleasure of greeting the new girl.
"Excuse me, you've been in there an awfully long time!" He cried in a higher voice then usual, "You're either doing drugs or very constipated from using them!"
I sniggered as the door to the stall flew open, and almost smacked me in the face, grabbing the top and speaking over the girls nervous ramblings, "Hi I'm Janis!"
"Jem appelle Sasha Fierce!" Damian said with a flamboyant wave.

"That's Damian, he's almost too gay to function." I joked as the girl turned to look at Damian, giving a little wave and then turning back to me and almost being squished by Obi as he jumped to greet her, "Oh and that's Obi, my all round super pup."
"Hi I'm Cady." The girl said, her piercing blue eyes eventually settling on me, I felt myself become a lot more selfcontious as she did so, "Cute dog."
I grinned, "Yeah well cute isn't how I put it but he is a sweetheart, aren't you Obi?" I cooed, scratching him behind the ear and laughing when he huffed in satisfaction. I felt my chest losen as I realised she wouldn't be judging me for having Obi, I didn't have to worry about attracting another bully.

As Damian spoke I zoned out a little, giving a small wave when he called me his 'art freak', but mainly focusing on the timetable I had pulled out of Cadys front pocket.
Cady herself was very pretty and that scared me, she was perfect plastic material. Beautiful blue eyes, bouncy curls that framed her face and a innocent complexion, easily corruptable if you were Regina.
"Wait why did you stop homeschooling?" I inturupted Damians rant.
"My parents wanted me to get socialized." Cady said, not realising that she had signed herself up for torture.
"Oh you'll get socialized alright! A little slice like you." Damian sniggered, placing a arm around her shoulders, "I once read on a tote bag that everything belongs somewhere so let's find where you belong Caddie."

"Oh thanks! And it's Cady." Cady said, looking at Damian and me like we were angels, which Damian kinda is but for me that's an insult.
"I'm gonna call you Caddie." I insisted, going to Damians other side and smirking at him, time to introduce the new girl yo the cafeteria.

"My mother used to tell me 'baby girl don't ever eat lunch on the John!'" Damian crowed, swooping an arm out and pushing Cady into the Cafeteria.
I laughed outright, "Ma called you baby girl?"
Sticking his toung out at me Damian began to take Cady round all the tables, explaining who they were and why not to sit with them.
"...Will throw you in a locker if you say hello!" Damians explanations of the kids at this school were surprisingly accurate, "The rich stoners hate the gangsta whites-"
"Why?" Cadys voice was so curious I almost choked on air, that was not a story for her first day.
Damian shrugged, "But they're all smoking the same oregano!"
I scrunched up my nose and ran to catch up with the pair as they headed towards the band geeks table.

While he was explaining their rather strange lunch time rituals I leant forward slightly, squealing a little when I felt someone touch my butt. I spun round to see one of the band geeks grinning at me and smacked his shoulder as Obi yipped at him.
"Whoa! Who's that?" Cadys voice was filled with amazement and saw her stood by the mathleetes table.
Now the mathleetes weren't bad people, they were all actually really nice, but joining them was social suicide and Damian made sure to tell Cady this as I pulled her away from the table.

We introduced her to the show choir, the funniest group of people you'd ever meet, Damian actually sang a little with them so in the end me and Cady had to drag him away. Then we went to see the debate and dance team, the two most competitive groups in the school if you didn't include the jocks. I was unbelievably glad that Cady didn't want to be a part of their group, that would have been something else entirely.
"There's girls who eat their feelings." I mentioned, pointing to a group of eating girls.
"And girls who don't eat." Damian cut in pointing to the foodless girls on the other end of the table, "I like eating cake in front of them, makes them crazy!" He grinned, winking at one of the outraged looking girls and quickly pulling us away laughing before she could say anything.

I saw our table and ran to it, sitting on top of it and waving the pair over with a smile.
"But, who is at this table?" Damian called, pulling Cady with him, "Why it's Janis!"
"And Damian too!" I added, wrapping my arms around his neck as he sat in front of me, "We're not exactly joiners." And that was true, our table was in one of the back corners, cut off from most of the cafeteria.
"But we'll be good friends to you!" As we climed down off the table Damian took Cadys hand and swung her round so she was facing the both of us, "Sit with us?" He asked in the shyest way I've ever seen him do anything.

Cady grinned, "Okay!" She cheered, laughing as Damian pulled her into a tight hug.
"Yay!" I cheered, joining the hug and then dancing round her like a maniac as Damian swung her about, "Here's where you belong Caddie!"

But like all good things, our fun had to come to an end. Bet you can guess who turned up. 

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