The Kiss

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Also this is one of my favourite chapters I have ever written so I really hope y'all like it.



Damian likes to tease me about what happend that night outside of the gymnasium and the crazy party going on inside. He likes to think it's his fault that anything even happened because he was to one to tell Cady where I was.

So it kinda was his fault. But to be fair if he hadn't told her, I might never have spoken to her and then where would we be?


That's just not acceptable.

I held my breath for a second, watching and she stepped towards me, letting the doors shut completely before speaking.
"Um- can we talk?" She asked, her previous shy demeanour that I thought I'd lost to the plastics returning as she did.
I took a deep breath, my shoulders heaving slightly, and stood, offering my arm to her, "Care to take a walk Miss Heron?" I asked in a fake British accent, at least getting a laugh I response to my terrible attempt.
Linking her arm with mine she smiled goofily, "I certainly would!"
We walked for a while in silence, the only sound breaking through the night being Obis short breaths and our light footsteps.
I would have spoken first but had no clue what to say. Did I tell her I loved her and that I was sorry or that I was sorry AND I loved her or that I was just sorry. There were so many options but none of them seemed to be appropriate.
We turned to one another at the same time, having stopped walking long ago, and both burst out with the same words at the same second, "I'm sorry!"

I laughed in surprise, feeling blush rise up to my cheeks and watching as the same thing happend to Cady.
"I think this is the part where One of us says jinx?" I teased, a small smile playing over my lips, "Do you wanna talk first of should I?"
Cady shrugged, her hands shoved inside her pockets in an attempt to stop them from figiting, "I'm really sorry Janis." She then said, her eyes tearfilled and earnest, "I bumped off your art show for a stupid party and a boy I'm  starting to realise I don't even like and what's even worse is that I then blamed you for everything! Even though it wansn't all your fault. I was a really horrible friend and I threw you sexuality in your face like a monster. I swear I didn't mean it!"
I attempt a kind smile and place a hand to her cheek, "I know Caddie. It's okay, I'm not mad."
Cadys eyes lit up, marvelling at me in what was obvious surprise, "You're not?" She stuttered.

I drop my hand and look at my feet, shaking my head, "No, I'm not. It's not your fault I used you to get revenge on Regina George and just expected you not to be entrapped by her." I said, my hands clamming up, "I didn't even tell you the full story about why I hated her and I just expected you to go along. So I'm sorry too because real friends shouldn't so that." I feel tears begin to trickle down my cheeks and try to ignore the fact that I had now cried twice in one night, "I was so scared of losing you to them that I pushed you away without even realising it and then got mad when I did lose you. I've never been great at making friends and after Regina I just assumed all girls were the same so when we met I panicked. The night of the party I had wanted to ask you why you did it. Why you lied, but instead I just got angry."

Cady was crying too, her hand clasped firmly in mine as we cried, "Looks like we're both kind of a mess!" She choked out, a small laugh escaping.
I nodded, wiping my tears away and pulling her into a tight hug without thinking. Wrapping my arms around her shoulders and breathing in the strawberry scent of her hair, "I'm so sorry." I mumbled Into her shoulder, holding back a sob, "I never meant to lose you. I never meant for things to get so bad."
Cady hugged me tightly back, her head burrowed deep in my shoulder as she did, "Does this mean we're friends again?" She asked, her voice muffled, from where she was buried in my arms.
I chuckled, pulling back and booking her nose affectionately, "Yes we're friends again." I said grinning.
She grinned back happily, "Good. Because I love you and I don't want to go another minute without you by my side."

In a moment of sheer passion and bravery I leant forward, pressing my lips gently to hers and cupping the back of her head in my hand as I did so. It was like a shock to my system. Suddenly I was hyperaware of everything around me, the warmth of her breath against mine, the feeling of her soft tendrils of hair and the brightness of her eyes even in the dark. I closed my eyes, leaning deeper into the kiss. Cadys lips were soft and tasted faintly of grapefruit, her hands weaved their way around my back and pulled me closer, holding me as close as I could get to her tiny body.
As we pulled away slightly to breath I felt her smile against my lips and grinned myself as we looked into one another's eyes.
"I was really hoping you were gonna do that." Cady murmmered against my lips, a small laugh escaping. I heard myself giggle in reply and almost died of embarrassment when she pulled away and grinned at me in surprise, "Janis Sarkisian, did you just GIGGLE at me?!" She asked, mocking a surprised voice.
I leant forward again, "Not a word Heron!" I said quietly, trapping her in another kiss before she could reply.

I watched our hands as they swung between us, fighting the urge to stop and attack Cady with more kisses as we got closer to the doors to the gym.
She looked away from the building in front of her and smiled at me in mild amusement, "You know Damians gonna have a field day when we tell him, right?"
I felt my eyes widen and leant against the wall just outside the gym, banging my head against it's uneven surface in despair, "No No No No No. Sorry Cady but you're your own there."
Cady chuckled and tugged me upright, pulling me into the gym and scanning the crowds, "I never said we were gonna tell him." She stated simply, her eyes landing on Damian across the room, "More like show him!" Then she pushed me up against the wall, crushing our lips together and causing both my own and Damians brains to short circuit.

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