It sucks and I'm sorry

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Ladies and Gents I have an apology to make.

I have *sniff sniff* got writers block and do not know when the sequel to this lovely piece of writing will be out.

I've got all the ideas and a storyline I just don't know how to write them out so it might be a while till you get the sequel.

It sucks for me as much as it does for you guys but I've got a surprise for you all instead.

Whilst I cannot publish the sequel just yet I do have another work set in a different universe (Still with Janis and Damian because I love them). I won't tell you too much cause it'll give away the story line BUT the first chapter should be up at some point this week or next week depending on weather I get swamped with schoolwork or not.

Again I am so sorry to make you all wait, but I hope you enjoy the surprise just as much.

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