The Trip to the park

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This doesn't link to this chapter directly but I've started to realise that the timeline of this is a real big mess...I'm sorry about that...I'd fix it but I'm over halfway done and I think I'd go insane if I had to rewrite that many chapters.
Again sorry...


I don't know if I've mentioned this but I don't really like new people, there's always a catch with them. And it's like you have to be nice to them because their new. In school we had a new girl and me and Damian took her under our wing, it all ended in disaster, but there will be more on that later.

Right now I'm talking about the fatal flaw that I have. The flaw being that I'm not very good at making friends. I know to you (future me) it probably sounds so weird (you probably don't even remember) but I genuinely find it almost impossible to make friends. We can all thank Regina for that.

Look I don't hate the girl, she just... She broke me in a way I'm still not entirely sure how to fix. We're good now anyway, I guess.

So back to my fatal flaw, as you can probably tell, friendship isn't my strong suit. But with Damian it was always easy.

"JanJan come on! It'll be fun!" Damian whined as we both sat down at one of the numerous tables to have breakfast.
I rolled my eyes, "Damian I don't want to. I'm not saying you can't go but I'm not." I was hell bent on not having to go to the park with the rest of the group, Ashley had even offered to stay back with me and I sensed that she didn't really want to go either.

Erika had told us at dinner last night that there was a trip to the park planned for the next day, she said there would be a picnic and that we didn't have to go if we didn't want to but that it would be better for us if we did. More socialising and all that.
I woke up that morning to Damian moaning about how he would be alone If I didn't go with him, and let me tell you that boy is persistent because he hasn't stopped.

"Janis please!" He begged, stabbing a price of bacon with his fork and pressing his hands together like he was praying.
"Damian no!" I said in the same tone, mimicking his mannerisms.
He pulled a face and turned back to his food, "I don't see why not." He grumbled refusing to look at me.
"Damian I really just don't wanna go. I am sorry you're upset but I'm tired and I had a bad night again last night." I wasn't lying, I had been woken up by another nightmare and had almost killed Barrett by jolting up so quickly and wacking her in the face, I don't think I'd ever been so tired in my life.

Damian gave me his puppy dog eyes as he chewed on a mouthful of hash brown, "Please JanJan?"
I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to win, "Okay fine but you have to let me pick the film tonight then!"
His face lit up and I found myself giggling as he squeezed me tightly enough to hinder my breathing, "Oh my gosh! Thank you Jan! I was about to give up hope!"
I laughed again and rested my head in his shoulder, "Only for you Damian."

By the time we actually got to the park Damian was buzzing. He had began an in depth conversation about musicals with Jackson, one of the few boys in the Home had actually knew how to deal with his flamboyance, from what I could tell it had gotten pretty heated as well.
I was walking beside Kate as we attempted to find a spot to sit that had some shade. She didn't say much or attempt to make me talk which was nice, we just walked in a comfortable silence and laughed at some of the kids strange antics.

Once we finally found a spot for the group to sit I fished my sketchbook out of my rucksack and lent against one of the trees nearby the rest of the group, Damian was playing with Barretts dog, so I decided to a sketch him because he looked so happy, cheeks red with laughter and his eyes alight and shining in the sun.
It was nice to see him so happy and not focusing on pretending to be okay, he was free here and it showed.

I must of fallen asleep at some point because I was shaken awake by Kate a little later in the day, she handed me a sandwich and a bottle of water and then went back to the group, I saw my sketchbook open on my lap and felt my cheeks heat up over the number of people who must have seen what, or who, I was drawing.
"Oooh! It's alive!" I heard Damians voice call as he made his way over to me and flopped down beside me with his back against the tree trunk, "You were not kidding about being tired!"
I chuckled and took a bite out of the sandwich, scrunching my nose up when I realised it was tuna and sweet corn, "Okay... yuck."

Damian grinned and plucked it out of my hand, taking a massive bite and spending an uncanny amount of time on chewing it just to prove a point.
"Dame I love you but that's disgusting." I stated, picking up my sketchbook and continuing on with the drawing of Damian.
"It's an acquired taste Darling." Damian drawled, finishing off the sandwich and looking over my shoulder, "Jesus Jan that's amazing!"
I felt my cheeks heat up, "It's not finished yet, I fell asleep while doing it." I mumbled embarasedly.

"Girl I'd give my left leg to be able to draw like that."
I quirked an eyebrow and turned towards him, "Bit drastic don't you think?"
"Nope, not at all. That's a talent that can get you places. All I can do is perfectly recite all of the Hamilton soundtrack." We both laughed at that because it was true, he'd often spend half the night singing along to the soundtrack and then would wonder why we had to do extra chores in the morning.
"Love you can get pretty far by being an actor as well." I point out, not looking up from my sketch.
"Yeah but it's not as hard as being able  to draw like that!"

I guess I probably should have payed more attention because the next thing I knew the sketchbook was being ripped out of my hands.

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