The Fury Within

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Bullies...Ah where do I begin?

Well for starters they suck. I've had more than my fair share of bullies over the years and I can safely say that they are the actual worst.

I'm not entirely sure I understand why they do it either because as far as I can see their lives aren't perfect, so I don't know why they chose the pick on me and a boy who's genuinely to gay to function, Oh wait now I get it...In high school me and Dame were both openly Gay...Oh. Why is it that there are always homophobic people in high schools, and it's never the teachers. If it was the teachers, at least we could get them fired.

Still what happend at the park that day will be forever confusing because the kids that confronted me and stole my sketchbook didn't even know me.

"Hey give that back!" I yelled, scrambling to my feet along with Damian who looked angrier than me if it was possible.
There were three boys there, a tall blond haired, blue eyed idiot, who was clearly the leader and clearly not very smart. There were two brown haired goons who barely looked to be completely with it but they were most definitely jocks so I didn't really want to test that.

"You heard her! Give the book back!" Damian said, his voice even but his eyes ablaze with fury.
"You know. I don't think I will." The blond boy sneered, flicking through the pages, "I want to have a looksy."
"Don't." I heard the desperation in my voice but I didn't care, that book was private and they had no right to go looking at the pictures I had drawn.
"Aww, are you afraid I'm going see something secret? Little girl!" This kid was really beginning to get on my nerves and if he want careful I was gonna make him regret it.

I turned desperately, to see if the rest of the group had noticed what was going on but they hadn't and I wasn't sure how to get their attention. Then I heard a ripping sound and turned back round to see the blond boy tearing appart pages of my book, the one he had in his hand was a sketch of Marlene that I was doing for her birthday.

"No! Don't!" I screamed in distane as the page was torn in two, my beautiful sister ripped down the middle, I hate to say it but I saw red and lunged at the blond, screaming angrily. If Damian hadn't grabbed me round the waist and held me back I could have done so serious damage.
"Jan Sweets it's not worth it." He whispered into my ear, attempting to soothe me.
"That was for my sister Damian." I ground out, still struggling.
"I know Jan but you can draw another one." Damian had losend his grip around my waist, sensing my relaxing slightly.

"What's going on over there?!" I heard a voice shout, both me and Damian turned to see Barrett and Grey rushing over, both of them looking a little worried.
The blond boy must have been a good actor because almost immediately he broke down into tears and hid the ripped pages behind his back, "I just wanted to look!" He wailed, me and Damian both stared at him in amazement, "I just wanted to look and she started attacking me."
Both the adults gasped, looking at me with equally horrified expressions, I didn't know what to say to them and Damian was equally as stumped as I was. I had lunged at the boy and with Damian holding me round he waist it wasn't like I could deny it.

"Janis? Is he telling the truth?" Grey asked, in a worryingly calm tone.
Barrett on the other hand was looking between me and the boy, her eyes flicking quickly towards his hands, both of which were held behind him.
"What are you holding behind your back kid?" She asked with an air of fake curiosity.
For a moment the boy looked stumped, but then he bought the ripped pages out in front of him and sniffles pitifully, "I was just looking but she snatched it out of my hand and ripped it up!" He lied, his eyes large and glistening with fake tears.

I felt my mouth fall open, a strangled sound escaping my lips, then my eyes began to sting and I knew I had to get out of there, I pulled myself from Damians arms and snatched to ripped drawing off the boy, making sure to pick up my sketchbook which had been dropped. Then I sprinted past Barrett, ignoring the hands that attempted to stop me and the calls from the rest of the group as I tore past them, I had just been turned into the bad guy. Again. And I wasn't sure I could take it.

Once I found a spot, well hidden amongst a large number of tress, I collapsed to the ground and pulled my knees to my chest, sobbing loudly and pitifully into my favourite pair of fishnet tights witch were now covered in mud and grass stains from the number of times I had tripped while running. The happiness I had felt while joking with Damian was now long gone, all I could think of was the anger deep in my heart and the itching sensation that had began to travel up my arms, I knew what that ment and for a moment was glad that I was outside and not in any place I could do myself actual harm.

I looked at the torn picture in my hands and sobbed harder, it had taken me weeks to finish because of the amount of detail I had put into it and while Damian was right, I could redraw it, my sister's birthday was in a week and I didn't have enough time.
In a blast of pure fury I crushed to paper in my hands into balls and threw them away from me, crying out in anger and kicking the tree trunk in front of me. I was bawling at this point and I didn't know how to calm myself down.

The sound of twigs snapping to the side of me made my head snapp up in alarm, Barrett had followed me and was stood there with a heartbroken look on her face, "Oh sweetie..." She murmmered, sliding down the tree I was leant against and pulling me into a hug, "Its okay, just breath for me darling, just focus on your breathing."
I burried my head in her hair, it smelt like lemon and something else I couldn't place, and sobbed louder as I attempted to match her breathing which was slower and more even then mine was.

"That's it." She whispered as my breathing began to return to normal and I stopped crying, "Good girl, that's it. You're doing so well."
"I-I'm s-sorry." I stuttered into her hair, not wanting to move or look in her eyes.
"Oh Sweetie, you couldn't help it don't apologise. It's not your fault, I'd know." I found it strange that Barrett said she knew, but I wasn't about to ask her what she ment by it, that wasn't my business.
"Am I in trouble?"

"Why would you be in trouble?" She asked, stroking my hair.
"I-I upset that boy." I mumbled, not happy that I was admitting to something I hadn't done.
"You and I both know that's not what happend Janis." She paused for a second and then chuckled, "Actually I think the whole park knows."
I looked up, "What?"
"After you ran off Damian went mental, I thought we were gonna have an attempted murder on our hands. He explained what had happend in a not so quiet voice and gave the kid I look which I'm pretty sure scared him half to death." I found myself grinning at that, "And then he almost came after you but we stopped him because with how angry he was it didn't seem like a good idea to have you together and alone. He's a good kid, and a good friend, well done."

I smiled, "He's the best thing that ever happend to me."
Barrett gave me a dopey grin, "Greys like that to me. He came along after I'd been through a few terrible relationships and just brightened up my world."
"Are you two together?" I asked shyly as her eye widened, "I wouldn't ask, it's only you both share a room and you're always together." I finished quickly and was relived to see she was laughing.
"No we're not together, I guess were a little like you and Damian, platonic soulmates and all."

I gawped at her, she had just perfectly described mine and Damians friendship and it was a little scary.
"Come on." She chuckled, "Time to go home."

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