What did you do?!

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My plan was to make the POV change from Hiro to GoGo from time to time. What happened? Anyways, story time! So like a few days ago, I went to the nearest mall from my house then we went to the toy section of the department store. We were the only ones who weren't kids who went there, imagine the workers' expressions. So we looked at all aisles and searched for even just a talking Baymax plushie because I want the one that says "Tadashi is here". I mean, I have money this year to buy that thing, probably, but it was out of stock! Why would Baymax be out of stock here? People barely watched bh6 here in my city. But it's out of stock. It's sad.

Read on~


"Hiro!" Both Leiko and I turned around and saw Tadashi and the others calling for me, "We need to go now."

"Okay!" I replied I turned back to Leiko and stood up.

"Well it was nice meeting you, Leiko." I stated and ran off to the others

"Did you give him the acceptance letter?" Tadashi asked

I smiled up at him and nodded.

"But I'm pretty sure you're gonna be proud when you know what I actually did." I stated

Tadashi rolled his eyes playfully and we entered the car. Aunt Cass started driving the car towards the café.

"What is it then?" He questioned

"I gave him the scholarship." The car suddenly halted.

"What?!" All of them collectively yelled


"This is impossible." I muttered as I skimmed through the scholarship grant again, "This is impossible."

Why would someone give me their well-deserved scholarship? It's crazy. I can't even believe it. I flipped the letter he gave to me and looked at the writings at the back. It's his number. Does Hiro know that I'm a girl?


"You what?" Tadashi raised a brow

I sighed for the fifteenth time that hour. We sat together in a table in Lucky Cat, waiting for aunt Cass to bring over the hot wings.

"I gave him the scholarship." I stated as a matter of factly, "He looked like he needed the money more than I did." I looked at the kitchen and saw aunt Cass preoccupied with her chore, "You remember me saving a ton of money from bot fighting, right?" I asked silently, "I can pay for my tuition and what if he can't? What will an acceptance letter do if your budget is only for SF State?"

I crossed my arms, "And besides, you told me to make friends. He seemed like a good influence to me."

"He looked like he always bot fights." Tadashi deadpanned

"Oh come on, Tadashi. He doesn't." I rolled my eyes

"He actually does." Honey Lemon murmured, "I'm not judging him or whatever but he's so... violent."

"Violent's a good thing!" Fred piped up

Everyone gave him curious stares. Why would someone tell a fourteen year old that violence is a good thing?

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