Older brothers know best

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LONG WEEKEND! You know, if I could give one description to the readers of this thing, I'd say you are one of the few people who are glad that Hiro's gay. xD

I still don't own anything.

Our lips separated a little bit too early but I had to put on an act and not pull him in for another kiss. Maybe that's going to be on another date but not today. We're out in public and I look like a guy. Not a good impression. I looked around and saw the other people who were out taking a walk. Fortunately, there were only a few people outside at this time and there was no one I knew or knew me, and I think the same goes for Hiro.

Speaking of which, "Wow," he grinned up at me

I blushed and smiled back, "Yeah. Wow."

We stayed quiet for a little while when he told me that his house was just a few steps away and that we should probably be going.

"Yeah, we... should."

He nodded and bit his lip lightly. He opened his mouth to say something but I beat him to it.

"Maybe next time." I stated

"Okay." he beamed at me

He still hadn't turned around and we were still standing next to each other.

"Yeah, I need to go do my homework now." I mumbled

He nodded and I started walking. I could still feel his glare following me. I turned around and shot him one last smile before he grinned at me and walked to the right.

"Oppa?" I called as I entered the house, "Oppa, I'm home!"

There was no reply. I groaned and rolled my eyes. He wasn't home yet?

There was a loud thud from upstairs. I looked up and saw nothing at the halls.

"Ethan! You better not have a girl up there!" His bedroom door opened up and he grinned at him

"Leiko! You're home!" He replied

"What made you all so busy up there?" I asked

"Nothing." He shrugged and went down the stairs, "So how was school?"

I blushed at the first thought that came to my mind. Oh Hiro.

"What's wrong? You sick?" Oppa put a hand on my forehead

"No." I mumbled

"So you're blushing?" He crossed his arms, "Huh, I never thought I'd live long enough to see you blush."

I raised my brow.

Oppa sighed, "Alright, fine, I was too exaggerating."

"Good." I nodded once and headed to the kitchen

"But what happened anyway?" He followed me to the kitchen

I looked through the fridge and brought out an apple. I took a bite and sat on one of the chairs, him sitting in front of me.

"Promise you won't tell omma and appa?" I asked

"Promise with all my heart." He replied carelessly

I groaned, "Oppa this is serious."

"I promise, Leiko! When have I ever broken one?" He rolled his eyes

"Uh, let me see," I glared at him, "when you let me go before your future? I don't know, really."

He sighed, "Yeodongsaeng, I don't want to get in that conversation again."

I pursed my lips, "Fine."

"Alright, so let's begin again. What happened at school today?" He repeated

"I, well, Fred tripped over and over in his Kaiju suit today, and the professors were really chill. Then there was some bonding time with Honey Lemon, and she still tells me a lot about Tadashi. Wasabi finally finished his lasers. And Tadashi had his eighty-third test on Baymax today." I nodded, "Yeah, that's what happened?"

"So where's the you part in the day? And the Hiro part?"

I bit my lip.

His eyes opened wide, "Leiko, what did you do to him?!"

"I didn't! He did something to me! Not the other way around!" I responded

That just seemed to tick him off more.

He glared at me, "What did he do to you?"

"I, um, nothing, nothing at all." I grinned nervously, "How did you even get that idea?"

Oppa gave me a look.

"Alright, alright. I won't lie to you. Give me one question where I will answer truthfully." I crossed my arms

"Why do we do this over and over again?" He mumbled

I opened my mouth to answer.

"That's not the question!" He said quickly, "The question is: What happened between you and Hiro?"

"Well, you know us, we're friends and all." I laughed, "But he, um, he admitted that he liked me," I started blushing, "then he," I calmed down a bit then whispered the last part, "he kissed m-."


"Okay, first off, I'm not a young lady anymore. I go to college, if you haven't noticed. Second, why do you have to stop me from having my first kiss?" I asked

"Because you're my little sister! You're my yeodongsaeng! And I'm your older brother, and older brothers know best!"

"What happened to you?" Tadashi asked tiredly

"Well what happened to you?" I asked Tadashi back

We sat on the edge of our beds. One of us had the darkest bags under his bags and the other was the most colored blush. Tadashi being the former, me being the latter.

"I asked first!" Tadashi responded

I rolled my eyes, "Fine. I, remember our talk last night?"

He nodded, "Last night." He mumbled, "I wish it was last night. At least last night I get to have sleep."

"Are you even listening, Dashi?" I deadpanned

"Oh, yeah, sure."

"Well, I told him that. And he didn't reject me." I grinned, "Do you even know how happy I was when he told me those words?! I can't believe an awesome guy like him wouldn't reject me! A-And when I kissed him, and I felt his lips, his lips were really soft and," I bit my lip, "he's awesome."

"You kissed Leiko." Tadashi stated emotionlessly

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" I asked

"Okay so I really now lost a bet to aunt Cass." He murmured

"That's all the expression you can give?" I furrowed my brows

"Hiro forgive me. I'm tired. Baymax still isn't working and I want to give up on him." He answered

"But you've worked on him for so long."

"Yeah, eighty-three tries." He groaned

"That's right. You're just going to throw away eighty-three tries?" I rolled my eyes, "Tadashi, I want you to rest right now. You're not giving up on Baymax and if you do, I'm not giving up on you."

Tadashi smiled, "Wow. Hiro I've never thought you'd be that matured."

I shrugged, "What can I say? Younger brothers know best."

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