Look for another angle!

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I should be sleeping now but...

Hiro rummaged through every drawer in his side of the room. The place was even messier than ever, if that was possible. He searched high and low for one little thing and turned his side upside down. He bit his lip and walked quietly over to his brother's small side of the room.

Did Tadashi hide it? He looked around, Probably.

He started looking in every place his brother could have hidden his precious item and it ended as the same state as his side of the room.

"Hiro, what are you doing?!" Tadashi asked as he saw the new state of his side of the room

Hiro stopped rummaging through Tadashi's closet and looked. He hesitantly turned around and grinned sheepishly at his brother.

"Tadashi! Hi! Why are you here?" he had on a steady smile on his face

"I don't know," Tadashi shrugged, "maybe because it's my room too?"

"Oh, right. Yeah." he nodded and stood still

"Well?" Hiro looked to the right and the left then back to his brother, "Well what?"

Tadashi clenched his fists, exhaled, then unclenched his fists.

"Again. What are you doing?" He asked exasperatedly

Hiro frowned then rolled his eyes. "I was looking for my journal." Hiro answered

The eighteen year old groaned, "You were looking for your journal on my side of the room?"

"Exactly." Hiro pointed out

Tadashi grabbed his brother's legs then put it over his shoulders.

"Aah! Tadashi! Put me down!" Hiro yelled

"Not happening. Now I don't want you to turn my bedroom upside down so you need to look for another angle." Tadashi brought Hiro to the boy's side of the room

"I got it!" Hiro grinned, "Put me down!"

Tadashi shrugged and sat down so his brother could get off. Hiro ran excitedly to his school bag and Tadashi facepalmed.

"Unbelievable. You didn't even try to look in your bag in the first place." Tadashi murmured

"I did!" Hiro retorded

He scoured his bag for a small item and plucked it out from the tangled mess of cords, wires, and other stuff.

"Whose room are you going to destroy this time?" Tadashi sighed

"I'm not. I'm just going to ask Leiko if he has my journal." Hiro answered then pressed Leiko's number in his phone

He put it up his ear then waited for the other line to answer.

"Hello? Hiro?"

"Leiko! Good. You're still awake. Do you happen to have my journal?"

"Oh that's your journal? The blue one?"

"Yeah! So you have it?" Hiro perked up


"Oh thank goodness. Can you keep it for tonight?"


Hiro beamed at nothing and particular then hung his phone up.

"Well I guess the trashing was for nothing." Tadashi stated, gesturing to their room

Hiro shrugged, "Maybe. But it's a good thing that Leiko has it."

"Well you're surely making fast best buddies with him." Tadashi nodded, "Do you know that he shares the same lab as me and Wasabi?"

"Lucky you!" Hiro responded, "You get to spend time after lunch while I can't?"

"Well I'll try to make your professor do so." Tadashi grinned

"Yes!" Hiro cheered, "I can't wait to tell Leiko all about it! And I can't wait for him to be my labmate!"

"Of course." Tadashi responded with a light laugh, "You're even more excited on him being your labmate than me and Wasabi."

"No I'm not! I'm also excited to have you guys as my labmates! Wohoo!" Tadashi smirked and shook his head.

I held the corners of Hiro's journal. This was one heck of a thick journal. The pages were almost filled out, only a few pages left. Man what did that boy do that made his complete this? It's like a hundred-page journal! I flipped it open to the first page. It wouldn't hurt to look right?

The first page was of Hiro and he was probably three in this. Wow look that gap in his teeth! It's still there? He was carrying this fat cat and there was a sketch for... hover boots? What the heck was three year old Hiro thinking?

I laughed at certain parts of his journal. But there were some sad parts. Down the middle. Just after the showcase. I was there in his notes too. And there was a drawing of me? Does he draw everything he sees?

Today I met this really awesome guy from the showcase! He created this really fast bike that went 70 mph. Isn't it cool? Also, his bike's wheels were made of magnetic levitation discs. It was really fast but he says otherwise. His name is Leiko Tomago, girly name, I know, but how can I judge if my name's kind of like that? Anyways, I hope I get to meet him again. Seems like a really cool guy. Also, I've met someone like him when I was bot fighting. I don't think if it's him, actually, face was covered with a hoodie, all I saw was a proud smirk. The same as Leiko's. Well, past is past now, I had to sneak off to write this but I am so excited to start studying at SFIT. But something about Leiko's reaction told me that I won't be seeing him soon. I hope my decision's going to be for a good cause, I plan to give him the scholarship. Wish me luck!

He planned it? And he knew all along that was that bot fighter that looked like a Fujita but a boy version? I shrugged then flipped it over to the next... What is this? There was this dead flower taped to it and a lot of 'Why?'s. What happened?

This was the date mom and dad... died. Why did they have to die? I'd give everything and do everything I could to get them back but I just... Why couldn't they have been here for me and Tadashi? They could've seen me graduating at thirteen, Tadashi at sixteen, those were impressive records. They could've seen us going together to nerd school the first time. Why would they be dead? Why them?!




He's so... broken. I turned it to the next page only to see a black page. A page with black marker lines. Does Hiro have a problem or anything?

The next page was not in the same state as the other one. Luckily. But it was about the first day. This must be what he was doing in the classes.

Okay so I'm watching Maze Runner right now so I wanna focus and all and bye for now. Don't worry, it's weekend! Possible start of Hirogo is next chapter so beware!

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