Friday Nights at Freddy's 2

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Wait, let's see. One, two, three, yep, three changes in one chapter. Okay, wait, story time! You remember me saying that I want a project like this a few chapters back? Well it came true. Of course we wouldn't make an actual robot baby and all that. We just have this project where we'll find one or two street children and spend a few hours with them and teach them, feed them, basically, we're the parents for a short time and it makes me so happy.

I still don't own anything.

We all entered Fred's room and Tadashi and Heathcliff put down our bags and Tadashi activated Baymax.

"Well, I didn't know Leiko has a thing for speed." Fred murmured

"Oh, no." Tadashi gasped

"It's happening? Already?" Honey Lemon asked

"Here it is." Wasabi groaned

"What's happening guys?" I asked

"I got it!" Fred snapped his fingers, "Speedy!"

"Uh, what?"

"Speedy. Your nickname's Speedy." Fred explained

"No. Just, no." I shook my head

"Well, he almost beat the red light. I think that could help." Wasabi inputted

"Yes!" Fred jumped, "GoGo! We'll call you GoGo!"

"What's with these nicknames anyway?" I asked

"Identification." Fred shrugged, "And so that we could be at least catchy."

"So how come Hiro and Tadashi don't get one?"

"Hiro is already great but Tadashi, don't worry buddy. I'll find one for you." Fred smiled at Tadashi

We all heard a phone ringing and I looked around only to realize it was my phone, which was in my bag.

"I'll get it." Hiro stated and rummaged through my bag

He gave it to me and I pressed the answer button.

"Leiko! Thank goodness you answered. I was worried when you didn't answer on the first ring. Are you alright? Is something hurting? Do you have a wound or an injury? Should I pick you up, yeodongsaeng?"

"Oppa, I'm fine." I smiled

I saw Tadashi nudge Hiro, "What? You want me to call you 'nii-san'?"

"Are you sure?" Ethan asked

"I'm sure." I nodded, "Now hang the phone and take a rest."

He ended the call and I placed the phone in my pocket. There was another ringing and I saw Hiro with his phone to his ear.

"How did you get my number?" He asked

I raised a brow.

"It's not a girl. It's your brother." He stated, "Yes. She's fine. No. No injuries. No wounds. Nothing. Wait, isn't she old enough to," he paused and furrowed his brows, "what do you mean congenital analgesia?"

"Congenital analgesia," Baymax stated, "also known as Congenital insensitivity to pain. It is a condition where in the patient cannot feel any physical pain."

"Leiko?" Hiro asked, "Yeah. I'll, I'll make sure that she's fine."

He put the phone away from his ear and looked at me, "You never told me that."

I felt a hand pull me and I looked up to see Tadashi.

"She doesn't need to." Tadashi plainly stated

"Whoa, whoa. You two, don't fight." I glared at the two

Honey Lemon dragged Tadashi away from Hiro and both her and I sat them on the couch, with the two of us in the middle.

"Huh, I remember a classmate." Fred started as he sat next to Tadashi and Wasabi sat next to Hiro, " He has a sister with the same thing. He's in one World lit class and at the start of the semester he was this happy guy who every befriended and liked."

"Uh, what's the name of your classmate again?" Hiro asked

"Ethan." Fred answered

Both Hiro and I looked at each other nervously.

"But now, he's not even talking to anyone."

I furrowed my brows, What?!

"I heard he has cancer."

Tadashi looked at me and I nodded my head lightly.

"I, uh, yeah, listen, you guys," I started, "Hiro and I wanted to tell you something." I nudged him, "Tell them."

"Why do have to be the one to tell them?" He whispered

"Because I said so...?"

"That doesn't make any sense."


"Fine! Ethan is Leiko's,"

"GoGo's." Fred corrected

"GoGo's brother."

"Wait, I thought the Ethan guy had a sister." Wasabi inputted

Hiro nodded, "Well he does," and that's L-GoGo."

"What?!" Fred yelled, "You mean to tell me that GoGo's really a girl? All this time?"

"Yeah." I replied

"That's..." Wasabi paused, "huh. I didn't think that you were. Wait, so that's why you're the mother one in this thing?"

"Yes." I nodded

We continued talking for a bit then ate pizza for dinner, a few hours later, Heathcliff, Fred's butler, brought us all to their family's theater room. There were about ten seats, which could probably fit two people each, then the movie started playing.

"Hey guys, could we not make it to loud? Airee's sleeping." I called to the others

Fred nodded and let Heathcliff lessen the volume.

"That's better." I nodded

Hiro got up from his chair, which was next to his brother, and sat down next to me at the farthest seat.

"Hey, I can take care of this, you know?" I asked him as he stared at Airee

"Can I hold her?" He asked

I nodded and handed him the baby. "Thank you. My arm was going numb."

"It's no problem." He murmured at he stared at the baby

"You seem so focused on this." I moved to the seat with Hiro

"Wow, we can fit in this thing and there's still space?" Hiro stated as he patted the chair

I put a hand on Hiro's mouth, "Alright, shh, the movie's starting."

"I have to say, that was a great movie." Tadashi commented

"Mhm." Honey Lemon agreed, "It was kinda sad though. It's bad that his dad died."

"Hey, guys?" Wasabi whispered then pointed at the back

Everyone looked at the back and saw GoGo and Hiro, in one chair, sleeping. GoGo's head was on Hiro's shoulder and Hiro's head laid on top on GoGo's head. Meanwhile, Airee was bundled in Hiro's arms, the baby's little arms reaching up to Hiro and babbling happily.

"O...kay...?" Honey Lemon started then looked at everyone, "Photo, photo."

They all followed Honey Lemon's steps towards the two and made sure she had her flash off. She clicked the shutter button and took a photo of the two. She took the little baby from Hiro's arms and the boy shifted a bit but not enough to let GoGo's head fall.

"So what are we gonna do about these two?" Wasabi asked

"Let them be. It's fine." Fred shrugged

And they all left Hiro and GoGo in the theater room to go to sleep.

This chapter's so... if I put it in food, it's bland. Idk. I feel uninspired.

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