Slingshots and whatnots

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Mostly taken from Hiro's POVs. So... I totally forgot to add Ethan in here. Where is he?!

I don't own anything.


It had taken Hiro a good fifteen minutes to calm a sobbing Leiko. And when he finally did, Tadashi and Honey Lemon had exited Tadashi's private laboratory. Tadashi raised a brow and pointed at the sleeping Leiko on Hiro's shoulder.

"Why is he sleeping?" He asked

"Wait. Did he cry?" Honey Lemon asked sadly

Hiro nodded slightly to not stir Leiko awake. "Yeah. His brother's got cancer."

"I think Baymax could help on that." Tadashi inputted

Hiro nodded once more then Fred burst in the lab.

"Guys!" he yelled then earned three annoyed 'sh's, "Guys," he repeated in a more silent tone, "Hiro you're being talked about outside. And it's not looking good."

Hiro furrowed his brows, "What do you mean?"

Fred walked over to the boy and showed him a piece of paper. The paper had a picture of Hiro pulling Leiko down and kissing him and on top were the words "Hiro Hamada: The guy who fell for a guy".

"This is not funny." Hiro murmured, "Leiko's gonna kill me if he sees this!"

"Oh let me see that." Honey Lemon snatched the paper from Fred's hand

What's the problem with this? It's normal and-. Oh. Leiko's pretending to be a guy.

"Where did you see this?" Tadashi clenched his fists tightly, face red in anger

"Don't get angry at them, Tadashi!" Hiro whispered, still not able to stand and stop his brother

"How would I not be angry, Hiro? Look at this? Do they look like they respect you?!" He snapped

"Look, Tadashi, it's fine. Honestly, I don't care, at all. They're just bullies who are apparently too bored with their own lives." Hiro sighed, "When have we ever cared if someone was saying these things to me?"

"Hiro, you were bullied in high school and I don't want the same thing to happen here in college, alright?" Tadashi turned to Hiro, "Just let me be your big brother who'll protect you. For once let me be that person."

"Dashi, I'm fine. You don't need to protect me from them. I don't even care about them and so will you." Hiro sighed, "Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to bring Leiko home."

Man it's a good thing I brought him home once. Hiro thought to himself as he carefully scooped Leiko's figure in his arms

"You sure you don't need help with him?" Tadashi asked

"I'm fine. If it was the first day of school, I'd probably have troubles, but now, he's getting thinner everyday so not much worries." Hiro answered and walked out the door

Everyone who saw him carrying Leiko bridal style snickered, some laughed and the others gave some spiteful remarks at the couple. But Hiro could not care less. He had managed more than half a decade of this. The teasing was just a very small part before so it was even less now.

He exited the school grounds, certain that tomorrow's news would surely infuriate the person in his arms. Speaking of which, he stared at Leiko's face for a while, the way he slept peacefully was something Hiro thought was wonderful. He walked for a little more while and, when the weight was becoming slightly less bearable, he had arrived at their house. He knocked with his foot and no one answered so he guessed that no one was home. He grabbed the door knob and twisted it open. He entered the house and up the stairs. He walked for a while and saw the purple door with Leiko's name on it and opened it. He set her down on the bed and huffed tiredly. He sat down on the bed and just looked at Leiko. Should he change his clothes? Hiro guessed not. Leiko would probably not like it if he figures out who changed his clothes.

He looked around the other's room. Well Leiko had a nice collection of tools and bicycle parts. He walked over to Leiko's workdesk and saw that it was almost as messy as the one he had at home.

So if we're to get married, he won't have a trouble with me being messy. He shrugged

He walked to the wooden cabinet and looked at the picture frames placed above it. He had to admit, Leiko was pretty cute as a kid. He scanned each and everyone of it but had to stop and stare at one particular picture. It was a picture of... Leiko? Why would Leiko wear a dress? And he was wearing make-up. What? Hiro furrowed his brows and looked back at the sleeping Leiko. The person in the picture really was Leiko. But is he a crossdresser or something? He looked down at the drawers and at the top shelf. There was one way to confirm it. Well, actually, many ways, one would be confronting him and a lot more but right now, it was all Hiro thought of. He grabbed the handle of the first shelf and opened it in a painfully slow manner. When he finally opened it halfway, he took a small peek and he was pretty sure one would be lying if they would say that those were slingshots.


H-How can this be? How is this even possible? I can't, I can't, I just don't get it. I turned back to Leiko to see that he, she, he, oh forget it! Leiko's still sleeping. Why would... sh-e... even do this? Why would he even try to fool anyone? What? Is this a bet of some sort?

Leiko groaned and shifted in his, her, bed but remained asleep.

Should I be mad? Should I even be mad at her? I mean, she did hide her real identity and all that and got in an all-boys school. How did she even manage to do that? But still, I know that she has something going on but I can't help but feel that she's just been... playing around with me. Maybe not as a girlfriend or a date, but as a friend. You would think that after all these months she'd tell me her secret. But no. I trusted her with almost every little secret I had but she didn't even tell me this. Should I even still trust her?

I ran my hair through my hand and ran out of the house.

I don't want Tadashi knowing this and getting angry at Leiko and I don't want to not tell it to anyone either. Oh who am I to tell?!


Okay now that was just plain mean.

Hey, Love_NHLLZ_1D, you know what's going to happen next.

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