Don't. Just don't.

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So this is mainly description, description, and description. So I'm actually cramming to study right now because midterms is on February 5th and I have a looooooooooong quiz tomorrow on Economics but look at me not studying.

I don't own anything~ Ooh, wait, we're nearing the first month of the story! Wee! Part one is ending!

Leiko turned around and walked away as confidently as she could. She knew that she could never just walk away from Hiro like that. During the past few months, he had been attached to her and the same goes for the boy. They had been pulling the most ridiculous pranks around the school, acting like the children they were. Everyone in the campus seemed to have known that they were the pranksters and just tried to stay off their tracks. In every day in SFIT, there would be mayhem. But they never got in trouble. Hiro was too adorable to get in trouble and Leiko was dragged off wherever Hiro went.

They were the pranksters but also the smartest in their batch. There was the thing about being the two youngest and shortest in the whole campus, there was a thing about a little bit of teasing because of their height, there was a thing about their little group of friends literally towering over them. Then there was this thing about them being together.

Once Leiko was sure Hiro had turned around, she ran as quick as she could to the direction of her house. She barged in the house, passing her brother in the living room, and rushed up her room, locking the door in the progress.

"Leiko, open up!" she could hear her brother banging his fists on the door, "Open this door, right now!"

But Leiko just kept on crying and crying until the pain was too much to handle.

She guessed having congenital analgesia was a bad thing. You could punch the wall with all the force you want and you're still not getting rid of the pain inside. But she stood up and punched and punched and punched her plain cream wall until her knuckles were starting to bruise and bleed. But she cannot feel the physical pain that would successfully mute out the emotional pain.

Her brother was still by the door and was still calling out to her.

There was one thing Leiko had not tried yet to block out the emotional pain. She had tried punching the wall, breaking plates, tearing up anything she could get her hands on but there was one last existing thing she had not done. Maybe it was the right answer, who knows, but all she could say was that it could have worked.

She rushed to her bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet above her mirror. She pulled out the one and only razor she had. Ethan liked to use Leiko's bathroom, she did not even know why, but when he does, he leaves some of his things inside and Leiko deems it her property.

She knew this was wrong. She knew this was going to ruin her future. She knew Ethan would get mad.

But she could not careless.

She held her left wrist near the blade and made her first stroke on her clear skin. Blood crippled out of the cut and dropped down to the white tiles. It was not working. The pain did not subside. Maybe a few more cuts would do.

After a few minutes, she had almost a dozen cuts across her wrist and blood was pooling by her feet. She started feeling lightheaded after a little while then she felt a strong pair of arms grab her forearms and wiggle her right hand enough to make her drop the razor.

"What are you thinking?!" Ethan snapped as he hurriedly opened the medicine cabinet and brought out a gauze and some cloth

He cleaned Leiko's wounds carefully but he was sure his sister would not feel if he was doing it too hard. He put pressure on the wound and used the gauze as a tape to hold the cloth in place. He carried her in his arms and brought her to the car. Leiko was still crying and the tears never stopped streaming down her face. He started driving to the hospital while calming himself and his sister down.

"What happened? I,I, Leiko! Why did you do that?!" He asked, "Leiko, please answer me. What's happening to you?"

"Why d-d-didn't you just let me die?!" She snapped

"Leiko, I can't lose you!" He breathed out deeply and pulled over the front of the hospital

He helped her out and sent her to the admission.

"What seems to be the problem today?" Asked the lady in the reception

Ethan ran a hand through his face and murmured, "My sister decided to commit suicide. It's a good thing that I got to her but I don't think she'll be awake in a few minutes. She lost quite an amount of blood though."

"Let's head over to the emergency, sir, and we'll let the doctors take care of her."

"Hey, Hiro. Since you've talked with Leiko and all that, could you ask him if he wants to go on a double date? Honey and I, you and Leiko?" Tadashi asked the moment Hiro got into view

"I, um, yeah, about that." Hiro started, "Leiko would," he gulped, "Leiko would probably said no."

"What? Why?"

"I may or may not have pissed... him... off." Hiro squeaked

Tadashi stayed silent for a moment or two.

"Oh." He murmured


He stared at his younger brother for a while and his younger brother stared back at him. Tadashi then grabbed his phone and dialed Honey Lemon's number.

Hi Tadashi. What's up?

"Nothing, nothing much." Tadashi stated, "Oh, hey, Honey. I'm really really sorry but I need to cancel out on the date."

Oh. Um. Honey Lemon paused for a while, Okay. Okay. Yeah. Wait, can I ask why?

"Well Hiro isn't dating anyone anymore and that means that I'm in charge of him and I don't have time to spare." Tadashi shrugged, "It's fine for you, right?"

Of course it's... fine. Sure. Yep. But what happened to Hiro and Leiko?

"I don't think my little brother has been nice." Tadashi eyed Hiro who just mouthed 'what' at his older brother

Tadashi rolled his eyes at that.

Where is Leiko then? I wanna talk to him.

"That I don't know." Tadashi answered, "Maybe he'll answer calls. Don't worry, he probably will."

Tadashi put his phone down and glared at his brother.

"What did you do to Leiko?"

"I didn't do anything!" Hiro answered


"Am not!"

"Oh yes you are!"

"I am not a liar!"

"You are one!"

"If I was a liar, I probably won't tell you that I yelled at Leiko earlier because he was being secretive and he didn't trust me!"

"You did what?!"

Kids, you see what Leiko did above? Don't do that. EVER. Even if you have congenital analgesia, I don't care. Never. Commit. Suicide. If you have a problem, my Private Messaging is always open, I have two tumblr accounts and anon is open, I have a two facebook accounts, I have a twitter account, I have two wattpad accounts, I have a deviantart account, TALK TO ME. I'M ALWAYS AVAILABLE. I'M ALWAYS OPEN. EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO READ IT, YOU CAN JUST VENT OUT YOUR FEELINGS IN MY ASK BOXES, INBOXES, MESSAGES AND WHATNOTS. IF YOU NEED SOMEONE, TRUST ME, I'M HERE AND SOMEONE ELSE OUT THERE IS TOO.

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