'𝙅𝙤𝙝𝙣𝙣𝙮' - 𝑗𝑜ℎ𝑛𝑛𝑦

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You were sitting awkwardly on the passenger's seat while your brother, Lee Taeyong, drove you home

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You were sitting awkwardly on the passenger's seat while your brother, Lee Taeyong, drove you home. You just got out from school and Taeyong decided to pick you up, since he was going to pass by your school anyways.

You thought it was weird of him to do that, since you usually just ride the bus on your way home. Well, guess what. Three of his friends were sitting at the back of the car and you didn't know how you would be able to survive a 30min. awkward car ride with them.

You assumed their names were Johnny, Taeil, and Yuta, since you've heard Taeyong mention their names multiple times now, but you didn't know who owned which names.


You suddenly woke up on your bed, still dressed in your uniform. You couldn't remember when and how you ended up here. Duh, you were asleep.

You quickly changed into some shorts and an oversized shirt, thinking it was a normal friday night. Heading your way downstairs, you casually entered the kitchen. You were too tired to even hear the noises coming from the living room and acknowledging the presence of men, whom you recently passed by.

Friday night meant a reward for surviving the week without losing your mind, so you planned to bring lots of snacks and a can of soda to your bedroom. However, your favorite snacks were high on top of the pantry and you cursed under your breath.

With all your strength, you kept jumping to reach the snacks but failed. You rested your hands on your hips, looking up at the snacks on top which Taeyong probably placed. You were too busy coming up with a plan on how to get them that you didn't notice the man leaning his body on the counter, quietly laughing at your failed attempts.

He shook his head and walked up to the pantry then reaching for the snacks with ease. You could only stare at him, while he handed you the snacks you wanted. He gave you a quick wink before going back to the living room with a can of beer in hand.

Wait, isn't he one of Taeyong's friends? That was so embarrassing, omg.

A voice suddenly called out to you, making you flinch in surprise. "Hey, what are you doing there?"

You looked at Taeyong, "I was just getting snacks."

"Oh," He saw the four packs of snacks in your arms and chuckled, "I see why Johnny was laughing at you."

"That was Johnny?!" You exclaimed.

"Yeah, why? Do you like him?" He teased.

"N-no, I..." You couldn't even continue your words, it was too embarrassing.

Taeyong gestured for you to continue and so, you did.

"Remember when I used to make fun of his name because I thought it sounded very nerdy?"

"You did?" Someone spoke from the kitchen entrance.

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