𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙨 - 𝑑𝑜𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔

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You continued to read your book, while the people around you talked to each other

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You continued to read your book, while the people around you talked to each other. As soon as the bell rang, students exited the room immediately. You, however, sat still while adjusting your glasses.

You grabbed your packed lunch from inside your bag and set it down on your table. As if on cue, someone grabbed a chair and sat across from you. Another lunch box was placed on the table, just like yours.

You were still reading your book, when a hand grabbed it from your grasp and placed it inside your bag. You looked at the person and a smiled formed on your face.

"Read that later, let's eat." Your boyfriend said, looking at you in the eyes.

You simply nodded and started eating your lunch. Out of nowhere, you heard snickers and whispers nearby. Two of your female classmates watched as you and your boyfriend ate lunch together.

"Why does the cool guy always date the school's nerd?"
"Typical couple."

You've heard similar judgements like that a lot of times now, so it's wasn't really a problem to you. Your boyfriend hated it, though. He turned to the two females and glared at them intensely, which made them run way and leave.

"Doyoung, you didn't have to."

"But I hate it, I hate when people judge us." Doyoung frowned.

You held his hand reassuringly and he melted from your touch in an instant, "It's okay, they don't matter."

Doyoung looked down shyly, making you giggle and pinch his cheeks. "Let's finish fast, so we still have time."

Yes, it may seem like a typical 'cool guy - nerdy girl' couple. Doyoung being one of the cool guys in school with his 127 squad and you being the smart, quiet, and reserved student in class. The only difference is that he's the soft one in the relationship, not you.

The two of you were literally opposites.


Classes had ended and you headed your way to the outdoor basketball court where you found the 127 squad. You casually sat down on the bench and got your book from your bag to read again.

After 7 minutes, you heard voices drawing nearer towards your way. You already knew what was going to happen, as this had been a daily thing.

"Yow, y/n." Taeyong spoke, lending his hand for a bro handshake which you accepted.

"How's the game?" You asked.

"Doyoung's team lost today!" Yuta jumped up and down excitedly.

You could only laugh at him and listen, as the rest of them talked to you about their game earlier. Doyoung suddenly interrupted everyone by clearing his throat and pushing himself between the members to get closer to you.

"Alright, that's enough." Doyoung said to the members, annoyed.

"I bet he's gonna whine at her while complaining about the game." Jaehyun spoke softly, enough for everyone to hear and they burst into a fit of laughter.

Doyoung heard it too and he clearly had enough of their teasing. Quickly, he grabbed your hand pulling you up.

"Let's go, y/n. Don't listen to them." He glared at his friends , before leaving the court with you.

While both of you walked your way home, Doyoung wrapped his arms around your neck from behind and rested his chin on top of your head.

"Doyoung?" You asked, earning a hum from him.

"We'll stop by the store, okay? You must be hungry from the game." You suggested and he let out a soft 'okay'.

The two of you went inside the store and bought some snacks to eat, then finding a table after. Doyoung sat down beside you and ate his food, while you did the same.

When he finished his food, he sighed and rested his head on your shoulder and hugged your waist. You heard his soft quiet whines and you found it cute.

"What's wrong?" You asked, brushing his hair softly.

Doyoung pulled you closer and said, "They kept teasing me, especially Taeyong. It was so tiring to deal with, that's why we lost."

Jaehyun was right, he did whine at you about the game but that's Doyoung. He may be cool and all with his 127 squad, but immediately becomes soft for you and you just give him all the love he wanted.

When you saw the cute pout he made with his lips, you patted his head and gave him a peck on his forehead.

"Don't be sad, Doyoung. If it makes you feel better, you can come over my house while I do my assignments."

Doyoung snapped his head at you and his gummy smile appeared on his face. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, you baby."

No matter how cool he may be, he'll always be your baby bunny.


I honestly enjoyed this one a lot and surprisingly, it turned out fine. I really wasn't in the mood to make this at 12 a.m., but I managed to finish it.

stay happy always!


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