𝙙𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙢𝙚? - ℎ𝑎𝑒𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛

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The dorm was filled with laughter as you and the dreamies were playing a game of Monopoly in the living room

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The dorm was filled with laughter as you and the dreamies were playing a game of Monopoly in the living room. Everyone was laughing, but Haechan laughed specifically at you.

You landed on one of his properties, so you had to pay him with the game money. Haechan lent his hand for you, giving you a smug expression. You hesitated to pay him because if you did, you'll only have 10$ left in your hand and you'll go bankrupt.

"Come on, y/n. Don't be shy, give me your money." He grinned.

You scoffed and rolled your eyes, "Fine, just take all my money." Leaving yourself no choice, you gave him the money.

"That's right, you're broke." He mocked you and you slapped his arm hard.

"Don't call me out like that." You said through gritted teeth and the others started laughing again.

Finally, it was Haechan's turn to roll the dice. Please, please let it land on my property. You thought and just like that, he indeed landed on your property. You cheered loudly and mocked him the same way he did to you.

"That's right, idiot. Now, you have to pay me."

"Alright." Haechan said, smiling before giving you the money.

"I got my money back." You teased.

You counted the money he gave you and noticed that he gave more than what was asked of him. You gave him a confused look, but he only smirked.

"Hey, you gave too much." You told him.

"It's okay, just be thankful I did that." He whispered, but the other members heard him.

Jaemin wrapped his arm around you and said, "Haechan likes you, that's why he did that. Am I right?"

Everyone had their eyes on Haechan but like the kind of person he is, he just shrugged his shoulders confidently. Jaemin 'wow'ed at him and clapped slowly, clearly amused. You, on the other hand, didn't believe Jaemin.

"Ayye, he doesn't." You defended, but Jaemin stopped you.

"He didn't deny it, he's just trying to keep it lowkey." Jaemin gave Haechan a teasing smirk, while the latter looked at him disappointedly.


The dreamies went to their rooms after the game. Chenle followed Jisung to his room, leaving you alone with Haechan. You were busy keeping the board game, but the other guy kept bothering you. Why isn't he hanging out with the others?

"Why are you so slow?" Haechan complained jokingly.

You rolled your eyes, annoyed. "Shut up, you lost the game."

"I let you win." He corrected you.

"Yeah, whatever you say."

Even when the others were gone, he still won't leave you alone. He'd make fun of you or find a way to annoy you to the point that you wanted to hit him with something hard, but you knew you couldn't do that to him. He's so annoying, I want to leave.

You tried to ignore him by scrolling through your phone while squatting on the floor, but he sat beside you and kept telling you how bad you were at games. You just couldn't bear it any longer.

You turned to him angrily, "Aish, why do you keep bothering me? Do you hate me or something?"

Of course he hates you, y/n.

"No, not at all. I'm actually quite in love with you, really." Haechan casually replied, resting his arms behind him.

"Oh..." You trailed off.

That wasn't the answer you expected from him. You expected a 'yes, I hate you' or a 'you just found out now?' but no, it wasn't like that. You just looked at him confusingly, as he returned it with an anticipating one. However, you hit his arm and threatened him with your tiny fist.

"Is that how you show your love to your friends? You annoy them all the time?"

"What friends? From what I know, you're my crush." He retorted back.

This boy, I thought he was joking. You pushed him hard, almost making him fall back but he pushed you harder, causing you to fall on the ground. While you fell, you held his arm and pulled him down, but he stopped and hovered above you.

The two of you made eye contact for like a few seconds, before you suddenly laughed which made him confused by your reaction.

"I'm sorry," You said, while controlling your laughter. "I'm supposed to be panicking, but you look so funny right now."

Haechan clicked his tongue and stood up, pulling you up with him. At the same time, Renjun and Jaemin came into the room. They sensed the tension between the two of you and Jaemin immediately reacted.

"Ayye, Haechan~ Flirting with her while we're gone, huh?" Jaemin wriggled his eyebrows teasingly.

Haechan shushed him, then smirked. "Shh, don't spoil my plan."

Jaemin pretended to be shocked by gasping and covering his mouth, like he spoiled something. You looked at Haechan who had a smile plastered on his face. You wanted to know what he meant, so you tapped on Haechan's shoulder.

"What plan?" You asked.

He turned to you and suddenly puckered his lips, causing you to move back in surprise. "I'll tell you the plan, if you give me a kiss."

You could hear Jaemin's proud reaction from the side, as if he raised Haechan to be flirty like him. It's not that you didn't want to give him a kiss, you just thought it wasn't the right time to do that and you were too shocked to comprehend his move.

You pushed him away, "Stop that, I hate you."

"Oh, but do you really hate me?" Haechan replied with a smug expression.

"Shut up, don't make me change my mind and hate you even more."

He gasped, "So, you do like me."

That doesn't make any sense but yes, I'm also quite in love with you honestly. You're just so funny, I couldn't help but fall for you.

You wanted to tell him that you have been secretly crushing on him too, but you just couldn't. You still pretended to be annoyed by him.

You rolled your eyes at him, "Think whatever you like, I don't care." Stop lying, y/n.

"Well then," Haechan stood up, "A date is settled tomorrow. Jaemin, start teaching me how to flirt and what to do on a date." He went to Jaemin and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

Jaemin grinned exitedly while Renjun cringed from the side, earning a threatening look from Haechan. You let out an awkward laugh, catching everyone's attention. Well, this is very awkward.

"Guys, please stop joking around. It's not funny-" You spoke, but was cut off by Haechan.

He leaned closer and whispered, "I'm serious, I'm really taking you out on a date."

I guess tomorrow is gonna be a good day.


I finally got my new phone, but it's been a rough week for me.

stay safe!


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