𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝗽𝘁.𝟮 - 𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑢𝑛

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Looking back at the past, you remembered receiving a small black box from Renjun before leaving for college

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Looking back at the past, you remembered receiving a small black box from Renjun before leaving for college. Inside of it was actually a simple silver bracelet which he bought using his own money, while the box was completely made by him. Since that day, you started wearing it and you still wore it until now as it reminded you of him.


After waiting for what felt like forever to you, a special day had finally come. For a whole week, you've thought of having a surprise party for Renjun's return. Unfortunately, no one tried to help you prepare. They just ignored and shrugged it off.

It seemed oddly suspicious to you, but you were too focused on your own plans to care. That's why you decided to just buy him a gift and surprise him yourself at home.

But, that's when your plans were ruined.

You had already prepared yourself, dressed up and put the gift inside your bag. Suddenly, Chenle, a friend of Renjun who also became your friend, rushed towards you and pulled you by the arm outside of your house.

You stopped him and asked, "Chenle, stop. What are you doing?"

He looked back at you, "Noona, you have to come with me because it's important."

"But I can't leave, I'm going to surprise Renjun."

"Just trust me." That was Chenle's last words, before you could protest.

He pulled you towards an expensive car, which was borrowed from his family. He told you to get in the front seat, while he sat at the back. The driver, which was Chenle's aunt, smiled at you and drove off to who knows where. The whole ride, Chenle kept giggling and you grew curious about it.

What is really happening? I'm concerned.

The car finally stopped in front of a restaurant you knew too well, which confused you even more. Chenle got out and opened the door for you to step out of the car.

"What-" You were going to ask him something, but you saw him go inside the front seat and waved at you, before they drove off.

"What the..."

You stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do at the moment. I was brought here and they just left me like this? Now, my day is ruined. You were about to walk away, when a familiar voice called your name and made you stop in your tracks.

"y/n." As soon as you heard the very familiar voice, which you missed so much, you quickly turned around and gasped.

"Renjunnie!" You exclaimed, quickly pulling him in for a tight hug. "Oh, how I missed you."

"I missed you too, noona." Renjun replied with the same enthusiasm, "Hey, how about we go inside and eat?"

You wanted to accept his offer, but you remembered your original plan of spending time with him at home.

"Ahh...but Renjun, I planned on surprising you at home." You scratched your nape shyly.

You expected him to be shocked and apologize but instead, he chuckled. "I see, Chenle didn't tell you."

You looked at him in confusion, "Tell me what?"

"I asked him to bring you here, since I arranged a simple dinner date for the both of us. I told the others not to throw a party for me, I just want to spend time with you alone."


"But Renjun, I'm supposed to be the one surprising you."

"It's fine, as long as I get to see you." He giggled, before pulling you inside the restaurant.


After the sweet dinner you two had, both of you finally went back home. Sitting on the couch comfortably, you suddenly remembered about the gift you were supposed to give him a while ago.

You got it out and turned to him, "Renjun, I have something for you."

You handed him a small box and opened it quickly. He saw a silver bracelet inside and a smile immediately appeared on his face. Without realizing it, he placed a kiss on your cheek and admired the bracelet he now wore on his wrist.

"Thank you so much, I'm never taking this off." Renjun said as he suddenly puckered his lips towards you, catching you off guard.

"W-what are you doing?" You asked, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"I want a kiss."


You refused at first but after seeing the disappointed look on his face, you sighed and gave him a kiss on his cheek instead. Fortunately, he was contented with it. Renjun observed the bracelet intently once again and noticed something.

"Hmm, why does it look familiar?"

Instinctively, his eyes landed on the shiny accessory wrapped around your wrist. Then, he remembered that time. He remembered when he gave you the bracelet and now, you gave him a similar one.

Both of you were almost matching.

"Noona, are you wearing the bracelet I gave you before?" Renjun questioned.

So, he finally noticed. You nodded, "Yeah, even before I left for college."


Renjun talked to you about his college life and his experiences there. He shared about how we was always being teased with other girls and how he really disliked it. Although you found it funny, he didn't want to be reminded of the memories.

Suddenly, he spoke. "Noona, I love you."

"I love you too, Junnie." You smiled at him.

He snuggled closer to you, as you wrapped him around your arms while caressing his hair softly.

"Thank you for waiting, noona. From now on, I will be responsible for you." He said this, as he stared at you with such loving eyes.

His words struck your heart in a good way and you really felt the sincerity in his words. He wanted to take responsibility for you, to take care of you for as long as he could. However, you insisted.

"No, I should be the one to do that for you."

Renjun chuckled and held your hand, placing a kiss on top of it. "I hope we stay like this forever."


I almost lost motivation for this book, I even thought of stopping but here's an update I delayed, cuz I'll be gone again for Idk how long.

stay safe!


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