𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙧𝙢 𝗽𝘁.𝟮 - ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑦

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These days, you and Hendery had been hanging out lately

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These days, you and Hendery had been hanging out lately. It always felt like a 'date', but it was more of a friendly date than a romantic one. The two of you planned to meet up as much as possible because you wanted to spend time with each other.

Ever since that day, a friendship was made.

You grew to like him and his personality, but he didn't know that. He also grew to like you, but you also really had no idea about it. You just hanged out for the mere intention of getting to know each other more and build a closer friendship.

However, Hendery wanted to know if you hanging out with him meant something to you. He wanted to know if you felt the same thing but he didn't want to force it out on you and pressure you with it.

However, he wanted to get things straight.


It was summer, so you had all the time to spend with Hendery. He was invited over his friend's house, so he insisted to bring you with him to which you hesitantly accepted.

Hendery knocked on the door and it was opened by the owner, Xiaojun, himself, both of them greeting each other.

When Xiaojun saw you, he smiled. "You must be y/n?"

You nodded and he continued, "Come in both of you, everyone's waiting."

You clinged on to Hendery because you didn't know who the other people were and he held your hand in reassurance. Both of you sat beside each other on the couch and made yourselves comfortable.

You tried to fit in and join in their entertaining conversation, but you couldn't find the courage to. Nervously, you moved closer to Hendery whenever someone comes closer to you and you would gently hold his arm for comfort.

You couldn't explain it, maybe it was because of how out of place you felt. Some of his friends had their girlfriends over and being there made you feel lonely, though Hendery was there with you.

He noticed your actions, so he looked at you. "Hey, are you okay? You seem nervous."

You replied, "Sorry, I just can't relate to everyone."

Suddenly, he intertwined his hands with yours to make you feel better which actually helped. He acts so sweet, but it's probably just a friendly gesture. Althought it was a sad thought, you couldn't expect anything from him.

All of a sudden, Xiaojun saw the two of you together and an idea popped up in his head. "Guys, let's play something. Pick a partner and let's see who'll be the last pair to survive the game."

Before you and Hendery could choose each other as expected, another guy had called dibs as your partner while one of his female friends did the same to him.

"Wait, I wanna be y/n's partner-"

"Okay, let's start the game!" Xiaojun interrupted Hendery with a loud, exciting voice causing the man to groan.


So far, being partners with the guy, named Yangyang, was a lot funnier than you had expected. Because of him, you could finally laugh as much as you want and everyone found it great that you were enjoying. Yangyang was a gentleman and you were thankful for that. Hmm, does he have a girlfriend? Not like I want to be, I'm just curious.

On the other hand, Hendery kept his eye on you the whole time. He was aware of the way you laughed and looked at Yangyang with those eyes. That made him nervous and scared, he didn't like the possibility of you falling for Yangyang instead of him.

Everyone who's in love would feel this way.

You'd also glance at Hendery once in a while to check on him but everytime you do, he seems to be enjoying as well. It made you sad a little because you also thought that he might like his partner instead, they were friends and anything could happen.

After how many rounds of playing, it was you and Yangyang who won the game. Everyone clapped as you hugged the latter, but Hendery hesitated to cheer.

You then went up to your best friend and hugged him too, "I don't even know these people, yet I still won." You said enthusiastically, only to receive a forced smile in return.

Noticing this, you raised an eyebrow. "You okay?"

"Yeah, let's sit down." Hendery replied casually.

You just shrugged and sat down beside him again. Everyone was having a conversation, but Hendery couldn't stop thinking about what happened. His legs shook rapidly in nervousness, but you quickly noticed this and stopped his legs from moving.

"Hey, are you seriously okay?" You questioned him worriedly. "You can always tell me."

There was a short pause before he suddenly asked, "Am I lucky this time or not?"

"What do you mean?"

He sighed, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but... I like you? No, wait. I'm really sure, I do like you. I've been hoping that you'd get it, so that we could do what lovers do, you know."

You were too stunned by the sudden confession, your heart started beating faster but your curiousity got the best of you. "Why did you suddenly confess?" You gave him a nervous laugh, especially since your crush just confessed to you.

"I wanted to get things straight with you as soon as possible and seeing you having fun with Yangyang made it worse, I was afraid."

You nodded, "And you think I wasn't afriad as well, seeing you with the other girl? Did you ever think of liking someone else?" You looked down, avoiding eye contact.

Hendery's ears perked up and faced you defensively, waving his hands repeatedly in denial. "No, no. I mean yes I did, but it's hard to change my feelings for you."

"Is that why you're being so sweet to me?"

"Of course, y/n. We're grown ups now, I shouldn't be playing games anymore. If I like someone, I have to be sincere. But, I'm not sure if it worked on you."

He pouted unknowingly and you slowly intertwined his hand with yours, just like he did a while ago. Hendery turned to you with hopeful eyes and you returned him a proud smile, confessing to him this time.

"It definitely worked on me, for a long time now actually. You made me feel less lonely despite having rough schedules before, so I think I'm the lucky one instead."

Both of you stared at each other admirably and saw the sincerity in each other's gazes. What even made him fall for me? I was a busy woman-

"Aww, that's so cute. I can't believe I just witnessed a confession in person." Yangyang said from behind and Hendery tried to hit him, but failed.

When Yangyang was gone, Hendery moved closer to your ear and whispered. "Let's leave and go on an actual date today, so we can act like a couple."

You smirked and whispered back to him, "Why 'act', when we're an actual couple now?"

He then gave you an impressed look, "Smooth, I like that. Let's go!" He said, pulling you out of Xiaojun's house.

Now, all that's left is the first kiss.


ew, I didn't update for a week. sorry for that.

stay safe!


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