𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 - 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑤𝑖𝑛

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Winwin was a really shy person but when he started dating you, you'd tell him to not be shy around you

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Winwin was a really shy person but when he started dating you, you'd tell him to not be shy around you. He would try his best to show his affection to you, but he ends up getting shy again and you honestly found it very cute.


You were currently busy with some paperworks that you had to finish, while Winwin was cooking dinner downstairs. A few minutes later, the bedroom door opened and he saw you still sitting on your chair without even sparing him a glance.

Winwin went up to you, grabbed your arms and sat himself on your lap carefully. Then, he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and buried his face on your neck. You ran your fingers through his soft hair and snuggled him closely.

"What's wrong, Winwin?" You asked softly.

He whined, "I finished cooking dinner, but you're still busy. Let's eat, please~"

You gave in to his whines and replied, "Okay, we'll eat."

"Yay!" He cheered and moved his head back slightly to give you a satisfied grin.

The two of you went downstairs to eat the dinner Winwin made. You didn't forget to compliment his cooking to encourage him that he was always doing a great job. That's what kept him motivated to do things everyday.

After eating dinner, you told Winwin that you had to go back and continue your work, so he volunteered to wash the dishes for tonight. He cleaned up the table and went to the sink to wash the plates. You watched as he diligently worked on his chore, admiring him.

While he was busy washing, you sneaked your arms around his waist and hugged him from the back. You felt him stiffen by your sudden action, then his face turned to a shade of pink.

"y/n~" He whined cutely and you chuckled at his reaction.

Winwin often gets clingy to you but whenever you do skinship with him, he immediately gets shy and flustered. You gave him a peck on his cheek, before going back to the bedroom.

Once Winwin had finished washing up the dishes, he went straight to your shared bedroom and sat beside you. He placed both his arms on the table, crossing them and rested his head on them. He watched you work as he waited for you to finish, so he could sleep with you.

Two hours had passed and you finally finshed your work, stretching your arms to relieve yourself. You arranged your things and stood up, getting ready to go to bed. However, you found your boyfriend sleeping with his head on the table. You went closer to him and carefully woke him up.

"Winwin," You called and he slowly fluttered his eyes open, "Move to the bed, so you can sleep properly."

Winwin stretched his arm for you to take and you pulled him closer to your arms, settling him down on the bed. He made himself comfortable and quickly drifted to sleep. You got on the bed beside him and went to sleep as well.


The next morning, you woke up feeling refreshed as ever. You looked beside you and caught Winwin already staring at you fondly. His loving gaze made you so flustered, so you covered your face with the blanket.

He let out a deep giggle, "Hey, why are you covering your face?"

"I just woke up, I look so ugly."

"No, you don't. You look so cute and beautiful, if you ask me." He gave you a reassuring smile.

The room soon became quiet and peaceful, both of you silently admiring each other's faces. Suddenly, he sang to you with the sweetest voice ever.

"I'll be your morning star and you are my angel, you are my angel."

Oh, how you loved hearing his voice especially when he sings. Winwin brushed some strand of hair away from your face and smiled at you afterwards. You noticed how he suddenly became less shy and more confident in showing his affection this morning.

"What's wrong, Winwin?" You questioned him.

"Nothing, I just wanted to say thank you." He replied.

"For what?"

"For being my little angel who always protects me and takes care of me, even if I should be the one doing that for you."

You softened at his words, then cupped his cheeks with your hands. "It's okay, Winwin. I love taking care of you and you make me happy."

Winwin placed his hands on top of yours and said, "So, I'll be your morning star who you'll wake up to everyday and the one who'll keep you happy all the time."

You felt like the luckiest person for having Dong Sicheng by your side.


this was too fluffy than I expected but it's winwin, so it doesn't matter. he's the reason why I started stanning nct and I didn't regret anything.

stay strong, friends!


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