'𝙅𝙤𝙝𝙣𝙣𝙮' 𝗽𝘁.𝟮 - 𝑗𝑜ℎ𝑛𝑛𝑦

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"It's okay, I'm an adult now

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"It's okay, I'm an adult now. I can go there by myself." You told Johnny, as you packed some items in your backpack.

You turned 22 three months ago, but Johnny still stayed by your side. He said that it was because Taeyong didn't trust you just yet, but you doubt that.

Johnny never let you go anywhere alone, especially to parties. He always insisted to go with you in case anything happens, which was reasonable. But to your defense, you were old enough to live by yourself. However, Johnny kept forcing you to let him and so you did.

You were currently in your bedroom, preparing your things before you left. You planned to go to the park alone to stroll around and maybe take some pictures. Of course, Johnny asked where you were going and when you mentioned that you were going alone, he immediately wanted to join you.

"No, I wanna go with you. Please, y/n." He whined.

You gave up and sighed at him, "Fine, but this should be the last time you're going with me."

"Since we're going together, why don't we have a picnic there?" Johnny suggested excitedly.

You shook your head and chuckled, "How are you 25 years old and acting like this? Now, who's the adult here?"

"Hey," He pouted his lips, "I just wanted to make your day fun."

"Okay, picnic it is."

Johnny cheered and gave you a big hug, then went to prepare the things for the picnic that'll happen today.


You sat beside Johnny on the picnic mat and got your camera, while he set up the snacks for the both of you. You were too busy taking pictures of the park that you didn't hear him call your name for the third time.

Noticing how busy you were, he decided to let you be. He proceeded to eat some snacks by himself, as he admired you. Since that day Taeyong asked him to be your personal driver, he realized that he wanted to protect you forever.

Johnny had always thought you were beautiful, but he loved your personality more. At first, he thought that looking out for you was a burden to him but as he spends more time with you, he eventually enjoys every moment.

You turned back to face him and caught him staring at you, which made you a bit shy. Who wouldn't get shy when they catch their crush staring at them? You snapped your fingers in front of his face and he quickly snapped out from his daydream.

"Oh, y-you..." Johnny stuttered, "Are you hungry? There's bread, chips, juice..."

You chuckled at his reaction and got a piece of bread from the basket.

"Here, hold my camera." You told him, as you handed him your camera to which he accepted.

You ate your bread, while admiring the scene around you. It felt refreshing and it made you feel free. Johnny, on the other hand, decided to take pictures of you secretly. While you were deep in your thoughts, he clicked the camera. He successfully captured enough pictures of you without getting caught.


"You did?!" Johnny gasped, "I did the same thing when I was high school."

Just by imagining it, you thought it was the funniest thing he had said today so far. You laughed so hard, you started to tear up and he laughed with you. Then you calmed down to catch your breathe, wiping the little tear from your right eye.

"Wow, that was very funny."

"Was it?" He asked and you nodded, "Are you having fun?"

"Honestly, I really am."

Despite being a little bummed that he wanted to come with you here when you wanted to go alone, he made your day so much better than expected. He never failed to make you laugh, making sure you were enjoying your day as much as possible which you did.

Johnny's humor-filled personality was what you loved about him the most. No wonder I have a crush on him. He became your best friend and your partner, which you were really happy about.

"That's nice to hear." He smiled at you genuinely.

At that moment, you realized that you wanted to see that same genuine smile of his everyday. The day would've never been this perfect if it wasn't for him and you knew, you wanted this again. You wanted to spend each day with him, hear him laugh and see him smile.

"Johnny," You called, making him look at you questionably. "Thank you for making this day very fun."

"Ah, I'm glad you had fun."

"Actually, I want to spend more days like this with you." You looked away, avoiding eye contact with him.

Johnny was surprised to hear you say that, remembering what you had said earlier. I thought she wanted this to be the last? I guess not and I'm glad.

Hearing no response from him, you hid your face in your palms. This is so embarrassing. Suddenly, Johnny removed your hands from your face and made you face him by lifting your chin with his index finger.

"We can," He started, before slowly catching your lips on his own.

You were shocked by his action, your crush was literally kissing you. As soon as you melted in his kiss and kissed back, he immediately pulled away to tease you. Johnny laughed at your disappointed reaction, then he cupped your cheeks.

"We can definitely spend more days like this together, y/n."

Since then, each day was perfect to you and that's all because of Seo Johnny.


This was requested and I think this imagine gave me happy vibes. It makes me feel better in a way.


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