𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 - 𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛

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School was fine, classes were surprisingly bearable, everyone was okay, there was just this one specific person that made you feel an unexplainable feeling whenever he was around

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School was fine, classes were surprisingly bearable, everyone was okay, there was just this one specific person that made you feel an unexplainable feeling whenever he was around. You weren't particularly friends with Jung Sungchan, he was more like a classmate to you.

No, scratch that. Make it into 'schoolmate' instead because he wasn't in the same class as you anyways.

People had been finding their soulmates nowadays and according to study, the first word/s your soulmate says to you is/are written on your wrist. Most of the people recognized their own soulmates quickly, while the others took some time to figure theirs out.

You didn't really believe in this whole 'soulmate' thing at first but when you glanced at your wrist in curiosity, you noticed the small text written on it.

"I'm so sorry, did the soccer ball hit you too hard?"

"Geez, why is this so long?" You quirked your head to the side when the text felt oddly familiar, but you couldn't exactly pinpoint where and when did you hear it from.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of laughter coming from a group of boys nearby. You turned to them and saw Sungchan being surrounded by his soccer friends as they laughed at him.

"That's so funny, Sungchan."
"Yeah, why would your soulmate only say 'hey' to you?"
"I know right, not even a name, a phrase nor a sentence. Well, good luck with that."

Sungchan could only shrug cluelessly at his friends.

After closing your locker, you fixed your bag and made your way to the exit. It was a friday, so you planned to stop by a store for some snacks. You went to an ice cream shop and ordered your favorite flavor. While you were eating, your eyes wandered back to the text written on your wrist. What's weird enough is that Sungchan's face would appear on your mind whenever you read the text.

"Could it be, Sungchan? But, when did he...?"

You then recalled when his friends mentioned about his soulmate's first word, which was a useless 'Hey!'.


You were just 10 years old when you walked past the soccer field to make your way towards your parents who were waiting at the school's gate.

That was until a soccer ball suddenly hit you making you stumble back a little. You turned to the soccer players and glared at them, more specifically at this boy who came running towards you.

"Hey!" You called out to him, while rubbing the area where you were hit.

"I'm so sorry, did the soccer ball hit you too hard?" He asked, obviously concerned.

You scoffed, "No, but you should be careful next time..." You trailed off, scanning his jersey. "Player no.11."

"Oh, just call me Sungchan and yes, we will be careful next time. I'm glad you're okay..." He trailed off this time, waiting for you to introduce yourself.


"Yes, y/n. Since we're okay now, I guess I'll go back to practice, see you around!" He waved and run back to the other players.

You hummed and continued walking towards your parents to go back home after a long day.


"No way." Your eyes widened in realization.

Sungchan was the only person to ever hit you with a soccer ball, since you never passed by the soccer field again ever since that incident.

You stood up and went to the school's soccer field where he would possibly still be practicing with his teammates and you were right. When you got there, you saw him being teased by his friends once again.

"Stop, it could literally be anyone. I'll just have to wait for her to come to me, I guess." Sungchan shrugged and tried to remove himself from his friend's grip, when his friend suddenly nudged him towards your direction.

When he finally made eye contact with you, you lowered your head for a second in embarrassment then proceeded to face him again with an awkward smile. You waved at him and he waved back, earning a teasing push from his friend.

"Hyung, I said stop." Sungchan whined.

"Go, she's waiting for you."

Sungchan glared at him jokingly before running towards you with his bag on his shoulder. As soon as he stood in front of you, you started to feel shy around him for some reason.

"Hey, y/n."

"Hey, uhm...Sungchan, can we talk? If you aren't done with practice yet, I can wait."

"Oh, we just finished and I was about to go home, maybe we can talk somewhere quiet."

Perfect timing. You nodded and you both went to more quiet place just near the field where only a few people pass by. Both of you stood there awkwardly, so you decided to speak up before it gets worse.

"I wanna ask you something, do you remember saying this to me when we were 10 years old?" You showed him your wrist with the text written on it.

Sungchan pondered about it for a moment and when he recalled the memory, he gasped. "Wait, did you say this to me?" He showed his wrist to you, "You got hit by the ball, so you said that to me and I apologized."

He spoke excitedly at the memory, that was until the realization hit him. His smile slowly faded and he looked deeply into your eyes. "So, are you my soulmate?"

You casually shrugged, trying to hide the grin that was forming on your face. "I guess, unless you don't want me to."

"No, I want you to be my soulmate." He pulled you into a warm hug before you could walk away.

You laughed at the sudden action and hugged him back, "Funny how my wrist had so many words and you only have one."

"Shut up, it's soulmate things."

Who would've thought that my soulmate would hit me with a soccer ball on our first encounter?


no part 2, sorry :(( I'm so busy these days like istg, my time management is so messed up </3. I'll probably be active on my new book once I start it.


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