𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩 - 𝑗𝑖𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔

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"Is this enough or is this too much?" Jisung asked himself, contemplating on the two baskets in his hands that were filled with snacks and drinks

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"Is this enough or is this too much?" Jisung asked himself, contemplating on the two baskets in his hands that were filled with snacks and drinks.

He was currently at the convenience store, which was located near the dorm building where he lived. The dreamies ordered him to buy himself some snacks and drinks with their share of money as a treat after recently winning a dance contest.

Jisung was too busy thinking whether he should buy all the snacks in the baskets that he didn't realize that he was already in front of the cashier, in front of you. Your voice brought him back to reality and he almost panicked, even worse that he recognized you.

Of course, he recognized you. Both of you were in the same class last year and were even partners for some projects. Working here as a cashier was a part-time job, seeing him here wasn't a surprise. You grinned at the familiar face, but you were concerned at the amount of food he brought with him.

"Jisung, are those all yours?" You gestured towards the two baskets he was carrying.

When you suddenly spoke to him, he swore that he almost malfunctioned. It wasn't helping that you looked cute in your uniform, he couldn't even think.

"Are you having a party with your friends?"

Jisung got embarrassed by your question, "No, no. There's no party, the hyungs said that this is a treat for myself." He scratched his nape shyly.

You then nodded in understanding, then continued scanning and packing the snacks inside the plastic bags. "Will you be able to finish all these? Maybe in 2-3 days or maybe even a week?"

"Well, uhm..." He honestly didn't know what to say, he couldn't think of a response. Think, Park Jisung. This is l/n y/n we're talking to, come on.

Of all the things he could've replied with, he just had to be there. "Do you want to come over my dorm after your shift?"

His question was really unexpected and if it were someone else, it would've been creepy. You stared at him confusingly and he almost panicked again. "I-I meant, we can share the snacks at my dorm later if you want. If you're uncomfortable, I understand. You've been there before when we did projects together, maybe we can catch up with each other and -" He blabbered and you gestured for him to calm down.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, I understand your offer. My shift ends in 5 minutes though, is that fine with you?"

After you said that, Jisung wanted to just run away from complete embarrassment. I didn't even ask her what time her shift ends, send help.

Remembering her previous question, he slowly nodded, "Yeah, it's fine. We can walk home together, it's getting late anyways. I don't wanna leave you here alone at this time, it's not very safe."

𝙣𝙘𝙩 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now