𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩 - 𝑦𝑢𝑡𝑎

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You had no idea how you ended up crying in front of the Nakamoto Yuta, but you did

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You had no idea how you ended up crying in front of the Nakamoto Yuta, but you did.

All the girls who had a crush on him were devastated, when they found out he got into a relationship. But recently, he broke up with his ex-girlfriend because of her attitude. She was playing with his feelings and he's had enough of her games.

You, on the other hand, also broke up with your ex-boyfriend a few days ago. You don't really have feelings for him, you were only forced reciprocate the guy's feelings because your friends told you so. Until one day, you couldn't keep pretending anymore so you left.

Yuta was your classmate and you had always thought that he was attractive and cool, but you never had a crush on him. Although you weren't really close with him, the two of you still talk to each other from time to time.

Seeing this new side of his, you found it very interesting and you wanted to know more about him. Both of you were currently sitting on one of the benches at the school's garden.

"Why are you crying? I thought you didn't like him." Yuta asked while he hesitantly wrapped his arms around you, as you silently cried.

"I don't, but he's special to me. He's my first boyfriend and he gave me so much memories." You continued to sob and he softened at your crying state.

"Same, my ex also gave me a lot of memories. I really loved her, you know."

This time, you pulled away and looked at him. You wiped your eyes to look at his face clearly, you saw the hurt in his expression and you felt bad. You knew he wasn't the type to cry, he was strong and knew how to control his emotions well but today, he couldn't. Your eyes widened when you saw a tear slip from his left eye, which he quickly wiped off.

"Ah, why am I crying? I shouldn't cry because of a girl."

"Hey, it's okay to cry." You reassured him, "You really do love her, don't you?"

Yuta faced you and gave a weak smile, "Yeah and it hurts."

He moved his gaze to the front and just stared at nothing, as he tried to think about his decisions and whatsoever. You could only nod and look around, thinking about yours as well. It was quiet, until Yuta let out a chuckle.

"Funny how we both broke up with our exes and here we are, comforting each other."

You suddenly giggled at his words and he looked at you in awe.

"That was cute."

You looked at him confused, "Huh?"

"Your giggle, it was cute." He complimented.

"Oh, thanks." Not knowing what to do, you looked away from him.


Since then, you and Yuta became best friends. Both of you would eat lunch together and he'll even walk with you to your locker. Of course, your classmates noticed the new friendship made between you two. You've heard people tease the two of you and thought that you were a couple, but you and Yuta stayed unbothered.

One day at lunch break, you didn't go straight to the canteen where Yuta was probably waiting for you. Instead, you went to the school's garden and sat on the same bench where you and Yuta first opened up to each other.

You silently sobbed, trying your best not to catch attention from other students. You were sad because your ex's new girlfriend insulted you by calling you 'pathetic' in front of your ex and you were sensitive about it because you were really insecure.

Your friend, y/f/n, followed you and tried to comfort you. "y/n, don't cry."

"I can't, y/f/n." You fought back.

Noticing how you weren't calming down even with her reassuring words, she knew exactly what to do right away.

"Do you want me to call Yuta?" She softly asked, making sure you were fine.

You immediately looked at her with pleading eyes, "Please."

She knew you needed Yuta the most during times like this, since he was always there for you through your ups and downs. y/f/n told you to wait and went to call Yuta from the canteen.

After a few minutes, you felt a calming presence and you immediately knew who it was. Yuta sat beside you and pulled you towards his chest, rubbing your shoulder comfortingly.

"Stop crying, y/n." His tone was serious and it made you lessen your sobs.

"Yuta..." You said, earning a look from him.

"Why the hell are you crying? I told you to be strong, but here you are." He scolded you, so you apologized.

"I'm sorry."

"Aish." Yuta clicked his tongue, pulling you closer and resting his chin on your head. "You have to stop being so insecure, y/n. You're smart, talented... beautiful."

His last word caught your attention, so you pulled back and stared at him. You were about to say something, when you heard a disappointed sigh from behind.

"Gosh, why don't you two just date already? Both of you click really well and I think that's great for a healthy relationship." y/f/n casually shrugged.

Apparently, she went back to watch you and Yuta talk since she was the number one supporter of this pair. She just wanted you to be happy and she had a good feeling about Yuta for you, so she tried to persuade the two of you. Well, mostly just you anyways.

You looked at her and chuckled, "What? Yuta and I are just friends, though. And besides, I'm focusing more on my studies these days."

y/f/n stared at you boringly, rolling her eyes at your excuse. She turned to Yuta and asked, "Why dont you ask her out, Yuta?"

Now, you had your attention on him as he stared back at you. Yuta smiled before replying, "I would, but I wouldn't want to ruin her studies."

You expected Yuta to play along with you, but he didn't. He basically just confessed to you, but you were in denial.

You nervously laughed and said, "Stop joking around, Yuta. You know how much I hate jokes."

"But, I'm not joking."

y/f/n interfered once more, "So, are you guys a couple now?" She asked excitedly.

Yuta stared at you deeply this time and admired your face, even though you were just crying a few minutes ago.

"Only if she wants us to be. What do you say, y/n?"

"Say yes, say yes." y/f/n repeatedly whispered to your ear.

With all the memories you've shared with Yuta, you couldn't deny that you had felt something for him at some point. It was the closure that gave you mixed feelings for him and with y/f/n's persuasions, you decided to give it a try.

"We can try." You gave him a smile, showing him that you were okay with it.

"Well, it's better than nothing. I should go and give you guys some time." y/f/n said, before making her way back to the school.

Yuta held your hand in his and brought it to his lips, giving it a gentle peck. "Don't be insecure anymore, okay? I'll always be here for you and I'll make sure that you'll love yourself as much as I love you."


inspired by my experience again😔 the guy and I don't have feelings for each other though, but the ending was too cute for me. I can never, huhu.


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