𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚 - 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔

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Gaming was your getaway from reality, a distraction from your problems and your temporary happiness

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Gaming was your getaway from reality, a distraction from your problems and your temporary happiness. You had no clear description on who you really were, no direction in life, neither do you have a dream in mind.

You just wanted an escape from everything.

You gained some online friends, most of them being male but there were also some female gamers that made friends with you. Meeting new people wasn't new, it was natural. No matter how many friends you get, all of them were the same in your eyes.

Then, this guy with the username 'yangyang_x2' appeared on your friends list. You met through a PUBG game, which led from him complimenting you for your impressive skills to asking you to be his friend. He got to know more of you and you reciprocated it, just another friendship created.

Liu Yangyang, that was his name.

You believed that it was his friendly personality that drove your conversations longer each day that passed, to the point that the two of you would stay up late until 3am sharing each other's stories. Until one night, your conversation had an unexpected change of topic.

so, any love interest at the moment?

not really, no one caught my attention yet.
how about you?

so, there's this girl I like but she probably doesn't feel anything for me :'))

really? dang, that's sad :((

yeah, I guess I haven't caught her attention yet.

You were unsure whether you were only too dense to grasp the hints he had been throwing at you or you weren't really interested with him to begin with. But you were sure of one thing that time, you supported him with his 'happy crush' not knowing that it was actually you who he was referring to.

I'm sure she'll like you back :)) you're yangyang, who wouldn't fall for your charms?

You were oblivious on how your words affected him, your words that left a small scar on his heart.

"How can you say that?", Yangyang wondered. "Who wouldn't fall for my charms? You, y/n. You wouldn't."

Holding on to that 'little to no' hope of you falling for him, he tried shooting his shot for a few more weeks but you don't seem to catch any of them. Thus, he finally decided to man up and confess.

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