𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩 - 𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑢𝑛

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You went home after school to help your mom in her small restaurant

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You went home after school to help your mom in her small restaurant. While you were busy serving some customers, a young student was looking at you from outside.

Hwang Renjun, a 6th grader, never thought he'd have a huge crush on a 10th grader, you. The moment he first saw you, he already grew interested. Although you were 4 years apart, he still believed he had a chance.

Actually, you were his first love.

He knew he was out of your league, he knew he was too young for you. But it wouldn't hurt to like you, right? He didn't even think of the possibility of you having a boyfriend at the moment.

Tomorrow was his graduation, so he stopped by your mom's restaurant to give you a little something before he graduates. You saw him standing outside and looking at you, so you smiled and told him to come in.

Renjun came inside the restaurant with his hands behind his back, shyly walking towards you. Although he was very nervous, he had to build his courage. He was already in front of you, so you waited for him to speak.

"Noona..." He trailed off, unsure of his words.

You hummed in response and you could see how nervous he was, so you patted his shoulder in reassurance.

"Don't be nervous, Renjun."

'She knows my name!' He exclaimed in his head. Of course, you knew him. He was the kid who loved helping others. He didn't want to keep you waiting, seeing that you were busy. You still gave him some of your time, so he decided to finally say it.

"Noona, I l-like you." Renjun confessed, revealing the flowers he had hid from behind.

You were shocked to see the flowers, you really weren't expecting him to do that. He looked away and you found his reaction cute, so you accepted the flowers and ruffled his hair.

"Aigoo, you're so cute. Thank you for the flowers, Renjunnie."

His eyes widened when he heard the nickname you gave him and he knew, he wanted to hear you call him that again. Your mom suddenly called you and Renjun silently panicked.

"Ah, noona. Tomorrow is my graduation, you could attend if you want."

You gave him a smile, "I'll try my best, okay? For now, you should go home and prepare for your big day tomorrow."

Renjun left with the biggest smile ever, like a little boy who won the jackpot from an arcade. He was relieved that you didn't reject him and he hoped that you'll be there to applaud for him when he receives his diploma.

However, you couldn't attend the next day because the restaurant had more customers than usual. You had to work a little extra to help your mom, but you had planned to give him a little gift to congratulate him.

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