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A soft groan left your lips as you peeled open your eyes open to be met with a hard chest. You flicked your eyes up to look up at Jotaro. He wasn't paying any mind to you. You gently pushed against his chest and he looked down at you. He stopped walking, telling the other to wait. He set you on your feet and you rubbed your eyes. Your throat was burning and it felt like you had swallowed a bunch of razor blades. You rubbed your neck and looked around. 

"wh..." You winced as a burning pain erupted in your throat. Jotaro grabbed your shoulders to steady you. 

"Look's like she's lost her voice." Mr. Joestar said. You all were standing outside of a restaurant. "Hopefully she can still eat. We'll fill you in once we get inside," You nodded, walking inside, Jotaro's hand still on your shoulder. You sat down between Jotaro and Kakyoin, softy touching your neck. 

"As promised, I will explain what has been going on to you, Y/n," Mr. Joestar said. He smiled at you and you weakly smiled back. "We were attacked on the plane by a stand and were forced to land. Right now we are in Hong Kong. We need to figure out a plan to get us to Egypt as quickly and safely as possible."

"A plan? We can't allow any more innocent people to get hurt. We also can't go by plane anymore.." Avdol said. 

"I agree. It's now become almost impossible for us to fly to Egypt. We can't risk having another stand attack on a commercial flight and possibly having someone die. We'll have to travel either by land or sea from now on." You struggled to swallow your water and mentally groaned. 

"But if we fail to reach Dio in fifty days..." A grief-stricken silence fell over the table as you gripped the material of your shirt in your hand. You didn't care about your own safety anymore. This entire journey was for Holly. You were going to save her. Mr. Joestar went on to tell a story about a man who traveled around the world in eighty days even without a plane. You were determined. 

"As for the route," Mr. Joestar pulled out a map and placed it on the table. "We'll go by sea," His finger traveled along the coast of Vietnam. "We can charter a suitably sized boat, go around the Maryland peninsula, and across the Indian Ocean. It'll be the Silk Road of the ocean."

"I also agree with this," Avdol said. "If we were to travel by land, we would have to pass through borders. We'd also have to cross the Himalayas and the desert which would be a major hassle. Not to mention we would be at a disadvantage if we were to be attacked by another stand." 

"I've never been on those routes, so I'll leave it to you," Kakyoin said. You and Jotaro nodded in agreement. You looked around the restaurant, accidentally locking eyes with a man with silver hair. It looked like he had been staring at your table the whole time. You broke eye contact, an almost silent whimper leaving your mouth from the pain in your throat. You leaned against Jotaro, putting your forehead on his shoulder. 

"I still think that you two would make an excellent couple," Mr. Joestar hummed from across the table. Your face heated up and you shot off of Jotaro quickly. You rubbed your eyes and looked over at Kakyoin as he lifted the lid to the teapot. He laughed at your confused look. He thought it was cute as his cheeks turned a little pink.

"This is a sign to let them know we would like more tea. If you do this, they'll bring you tea in a few seconds!" A woman walked to the table, smiling at Kakyoin as she poured the hot tea into his cup. "Also when they bring your tea.." He tapped his finger twice on the table as he smiled. "It means thank you!" The woman nodded as she smiled once more before walking away. "Here, see if this will help coat your throat," 

You smiled at the act before taking the cup from his hands and bringing it to your lips. The heat from the drink felt almost heavenly going down your throat.

"Excuse me but do you have a moment? I'm a tourist from France and I'm having some trouble reading the Kanji on the menu. Could you help me out?" You flicked your eyes up as you set the cup down, landing on the man from earlier. Uneasiness filled you and you frowned. Kakyoin placed his hand on your arm, looking at you with slight concern.

"No, you're annoying. Go away." Jotaro said bluntly, jamming a thumb behind him. You kicked his leg under the table, glaring at him in the corner of your eye. Mr. Joestar also scolded his grandson before helping the stranger and ordering for all of you. 

"Is your throat still bothering you, Y/n?" Avdol asked politely, also concerned for the frown on your face. You hesitated before nodding slowly. "Maybe you should eat some soup? Perhaps the heat would help soothe it?" He looked to Mr. Joestar who then added some soup onto the order for you. When the food had been set in front of you all, it seemed as if everyone dug into the delicious food. You weren't exactly hungry, but you had to eat something. The broth from the soup did, in fact, help your throat.

"Well?" Mr. Joestar said in excitement. "It's pretty good, isn't it?" He laughed as the stranger picked up a star-shaped carrot with his chopsticks.  

"Well, they have certainly taken a lot of time to prepare this. Look at these carrots...they're shaped like stars." You looked at the man, suspicion settling into your stomach. Something was up with this guy. "It reminds me of something.." He locked eyes with you and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. He held it up to his neck. "Someone I'm looking for has this mark on their neck." The bowl of rice porridge began to shake before a sword shot out of it. 

"Mr. Joestar look out!" Avdol yelled.

"It's a stand!" Mr. Joestar yelled, jumping back. Jotaro grabbed your arm and yanked you into his chest as you both stood up and Avdol flipped the table over, calling for his stand. 

"H-his sword is fast.." Kakyoin mumbled from beside you. You were pressed up against Jotaro's chest as his arm was held against your waist. 

"Indeed! My stand holds the Chariot Card! Silver Chariot! Mohammed Avdol it appears you wish to die first. I've made a fire clock on that table! I will kill you by the time it burns to twelve!" 

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