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"To get from Hong Kong to Singapore, we'll be on the water for three full days. Well, let's relax and keep our spirits up." Mr. Joestar said, turning to face Jotaro and Kakyoin. "But seriously you guys! Can't you do something about those school uniforms? Are you goung to travel wearing only that? Isnt it ridiculously hot? At least Y/n had the right mind to change!"

"Well, we are students.." Kakyoin began, turning the page of his book. "And students should behave as students." Jotaro gave a slight 'hmph'.

"Japanese students are such stiffs. At least you aren't like them Y/n!" Mr. Joestar said, making you giggle as you came out from under deck.

"Unlike those two, I'm going to use this time and get a little tan." You hummed, slipping the white robe you had on off to reveal your bathing suit. "I didn't go on vacation this year, so I think I'm going to treat this as such. Like you said, let's relax a little."

You began to tie up your hair, ignoring the burning glare Jotaro was giving you. The bathing suit was a two piece, and was white with golden rings on your hips and connecting the top. You laid back in a chair, putting your arms behind your head and sighing in content.

You heard Avdol make a comment, but you didn't quite make it out until Polnareff said something. "You know, girls won't fall for stiffs like you." A snicker left your lips.

"Let go of me you big lug!" A startled voice called. You peeled open your eyes and sat up as a crewman drug a child from below deck. "Dammit let me go! Let me go!"

"Hey! I thought we agreed there'd be no other passengers!" Mr. Joestar said.

"I'm sorry sir. Its a stowaway." The crewman explained. "This brat was hiding in the storage down below."

"A stowaway?" Mr. Joestar said in confusion.

"Its someone who sneaks on boats and hitches a ride for free," You said, standing up.

"Come at me if your gonna!" The kid shouted, still squirming around in the crewman's grasp. "I'll freaking kick your balls in!" The crewman scoffed as he picked the kid up.

"I'll turn you into the naval police!"

"What! The police?!" The kid slipped away from him and backed up. "P-please. Let me go! I just want to go see my Dad in Singapore! I'll do anything! You can put me to work as hard as you want!"

"Let's see, what should I do?" The crewman grabbed the kid's cheek and taunted them. "Should I put you to work? Or should I turn you in? What to do, what to do?"

"Jeez. He's kinda mean." You mumbled, walking over to the group.

"..but first, I'm gonna let the captain know." The kid rushed up and bit the crewman in his arm, then jumped into the water.

"Woah! That kids got guts!" Polnareff exclaimed.

"Is he planning on swimming to shore from here?" Kakyoin asked, standing up and going towards the railing.

"What should we do?" Mr. Joestar asked.

"Just leave him." Jotaro said, glancing over his shoulder. "He wouldn't have dived in if he wasn't a good swimmer."

"No! He's in danger! This entire area is infested with sharks!" The crewman shouted. You turned your head, and at the sight of something approaching the kid, your eyes widened.

"Y/n? Where are you going?" Polnareff asked as you starting running towards the railing.

"Y/n don't-" You ignored Jotaro and grabbed the railing, swinging your body over the edge and landing in the water with a splash. You grabbed a hold of the kid and yanked them back.

"Watch out!" You yelled.

"This isn't good!" Kakyoin said from deck.

"You idiots!" Mr. Joestar yelled down. "Hurry up and get back here!"

"Hey! Knock it off I'm trying to help you!" You said, trying to hold the squirming kid in one arm and keep afloat with the other. The kid screamed as the shark got a little to close for comfort, but before you could call your stand out, the shark was lifted from the water. Jotaro's stand, Star Platnuim, burst out from the water with a fierce 'Ora'. While Star Platnuim proceeded to beat the shit out of the shark, Jotaro grabbed the kid from your arms.

"Yare yare, let's go you two." He put his hand on the kids chest before pausing. "Hold on a second.." He knocked the hat from the kid, and both of you watched as long hair spilled from under the cap and pooled into the water. "A girl? And a runty one at that. Just my luck." Jotaro mumbled.

"Hey! How dare you feel me up like that you bastard! Hands off!" Jotaro blocked her hand and muttered under his breath.

"Cmon kid!" You called, extending your hand out to her. "We should get back to the boat before something else comes and tries to eat us." She grabbed your hand as you pulled her back to the boat, all the while ignoring Jotaro's presence.

"Hey you two! Something's coming after you from underwater! Its not a shark and it's racing towards you!" Mr
Joestar yelled. You looked over your shoulder at the creature that was rushing towards the three of you. You yelped when Jotaro grabbed your arm and started dragging both of you back to the boat. You gasped as something grabbed hold of your ankle and drug you under, causing you to let go of the kid and Jotaro with a surprised cry. Your stand formed beside you and kicked the creature away, and your image glitched out. You landed on the boat with a thump, coughing up the generous amount of saltwater that you had swallowed.

Kakyoin used his stand and pulled the other two out of the water as you sat up with a wince. "Y/n, are you alright?" Avdol asked, kneeling in front of you.

"Yeah. I think its just a scratch. I'll be okay." You said, moving your hand away for him to look at your ankle. There were three long cuts cross your skin. They were thin and bleeding, but nothing to worry about.

"It was definitely a stand." Polnareff said.

"And an aquatic one at that! In all my years in the accult, I've never heard of such a thing." Avdol said in disbelief, standing up and helping you to your feet.

"Damn, it ripped that to shreds," You commented, looking over the railing at the pieces of the bouey floating in the water.

"You alright?" Jotaro asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a few scratches." You said, looking down at where you were bleeding. "Kinda stings."

Jotaro said nothing as you rejoined your group, all looking at the girl who was panting on the deck. She couldn't be the stand user, could she? She didn't try to lead Jojo into shark infested waters did she?

"Jeez! What the hell is with you jerks?! Stop staring, its creepy! I have no idea what's going on here, but I'll fight you! Don't underestimate me!" You covered your mouth as you tried not to laugh as she flipped open a switch blade.

"Hey, how is Dio doing these days?" Avdol asked.

"Dio huh? What the hell is that?" The girl scoffed.

"Don't pretend like you don't know little brat!" Polnareff said.

"Hey I warned you jerks!" You giggled at how serious this girl was acting.

"What're you laughing at?" Jotaro said from beside you.

"Oh nothing," You said. "This girl is just pretty funny. Reminds me of someone.." Jotaros cheeks tinted pink from embarrassment as he tugged his hat down.

"Shut up bitch." He growled.


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