Chapter 013. Silly fufu, the author explained

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Shi Baimeng fell back on his horse.

Bai Meng fell to the ground for a long while when she fell into a daze.

It doesn't hurt.

Because the fall did not feel pain, she was more certain that she was dreaming.

But she was quite sure that when she was walking, there was nothing under her feet, and she walked steadily. Why did she fall for no reason?

This thought only rose when Shi Baimeng found that his eyes were hot and reached out.


She just cried for Mao!

Even if this is a dream, do not bring such a shame in front of Xiaobai Wang.

Moreover, she did not want to cry at all!

Shi Baimeng has a sense of coercion that his mind and body are not synchronized.

Da da da--

Bai Meng raised his head when he heard the strange sound.

A robot that looked a little familiar and couldn't remember came to her.

Her red eyes looked at her with her head tilted.

Shi Baimeng: ...

What a dream.

Do not understand, do not understand.

She propped up with her hands, and then somehow grabbed the walking robot.

The robot Kaba Kaba opened his mouth and made a sound, "Are you going to throw me again?"

also? fall?

Shi Baimeng recalled his memory with this sentence, and finally remembered why the robot was familiar to him. Isn't that the robot toy that was broken by the original owner?

The red-eyed robot is full of enthusiasm, "Dr. Nono makes me stronger!"

Don't ask why Shi Baimeng saw the fanaticism in the robot's red eyes, anyway, this dream is magical enough.

She threw out the avid red-eyed robot.

"Ah, Dr. Nono will rebirth me!" the red-eyed robot yelled.

Shi Baimeng: "..."

The red-eyed robot on the floor was divided again, and was carried on the stretcher by the other two robots, and was carried away.


This sigh pulled the silent Shi Baimeng back to God completely, and looked at the sighing Ino inconceivably.

Mengwa pretends to be an old-fashioned sigh, frowning, looking at herself with a serious expression.

Bai Meng couldn't help being nervous and surprised when stared at by the other party like this, "Nono?"

Ino: "Doctor."

Shi Baimeng: "You talked!"

Good milk good milk!

So glutinous!

Sure enough, it's as cute as fantasy!

The young girl's heart.

Shi Baimeng was so excited that she burst into tears... Although she didn't know why she wanted to tears and fell!

Who made this a dream?

Maybe it was dreams that could hear the sound of "fantasy", maybe it was dreams that made her react strangely.

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