Chapter 057. Brother is back

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Bai Meng didn't go to the interest class this afternoon after school and was picked up by the car waiting at the school gate early.

As soon as he entered the house, Shi Baimeng heard the lively voice in the living room and looked around curiously.

In the spacious living room of the Shi family, it is rare that there are several young people sitting there chatting about the sky. The lively voices are derived from them, which also adds a lively atmosphere to the always quiet Shi family.

When one of the tall figures stood up, Bai Meng's eyes lit up and shouted, "Brother!"

The crisp and sweet voice of the girl made the boys and girls in the living room pressed by the pause button, looking in the direction of Shi Baimeng. There were also those who were originally invisible on the sofa, and stood up and grabbed the sofa to look around the door.

The first person who stepped towards Shi Baimeng was naturally Shi Baijin. When she came to her, she stretched out her hand and hugged her younger sister. "Eh, did dream dream brother?"

Shi Baimeng responded generously: "Think."

I haven't seen it for more than a month, and I saw it suddenly. I missed my heart suddenly.

Shi Baijin treats her kindly, unconsciously, and makes her care about her.

Just like treating Father Shi, it has long been important to her true father.

The corners of Shi Baijin's mouth are all hooked to the ears.

Voices of other men and women came from behind.

"It's a nest, and Tyrannosaurus has a gentle time."

"It doesn't smile like the big tyrannosaurus I know."

"This is the big Tyrannosaurus's sister, which is more lovely than the photos shown in the Tyrannosaurus circle of friends!"

Shi Baimeng responded that he was surrounded by many people, patted the shoulder of cheap brother, and motioned him to put himself down.

Shi Baijin turned his head to the friends who brought home to drink coldly, "Shut up."

"Ha ha ha ha ha." The boys and girls were not afraid of him and laughed.

Shi Baijin glanced coldly, holding Shi Baimeng to the sofa.

Shi Baimeng had a pair of curious and enthusiastic eyes, a total of three boys and a girl, all young teenagers, dressed fresh and clean.

"Hello." Shi Baimeng guessed that this was Shi Baijin's classmates, and said hello to them politely.

"Hello there."

"Sister is good."

"Mengmeng Hello duck."

"Brother, put down my future daughter-in-law, don't you see that she is not happy."

From the responses of several people, it is possible to analyze their respective personalities.

The last guy who jumped out, after successfully harvesting Bai Jin's head shot, wailed and fell on the sofa.

While the grandiose acting was utterly speechless, he laughed out loud.

The teenager on the sofa heard the laughter, and still fell on the sofa. He still raised his head and was not afraid of death. He continued to give Shi Baimeng a grin and grin.

Shi Baimeng couldn't help but look at him more, and with Shi Baijin's warning, he learned that his name was Yi Shaoling.

Shi Baijin placed Shi Baimeng beside him and sat down. He hummed to the friends who were about to move: "It's okay, don't touch it, don't allow swearing, if you're scared of dreams, huh, huh."

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