Chapter 017. The cutest...

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At the beginning of handing over the tablet to Inno, Shi Baimeng didn't think too much, she was in a state of "as long as you want, as long as I have".

After the tablet was caught in the hands of Xiaobai Wang, Shi Baimeng came back and gathered together. "Do you want to watch cartoons? What type do you like to watch? Sister gives you."

The cute smile eager to try broke in a second.

Shi Baimeng saw Inno with his chubby hands slowly, but was absolutely skilled in operating the tablet.

That's right, Xiaobai Wang already reads children's books, and it's not surprising that he can type in pinyin.

When Shi Baimeng lost the opportunity to show up in front of Inno, the complex emotions of pride and frustration emerged again.

Then, she discovered that the reality hit is sometimes greater than you think.

The tablet screen is a Sudoku game opened by Ino Mengwa.

The chubby hand poked a bit on the screen, when Shi Baimeng was surprised to see the calm temperament of Jiangshan.

She took a deep breath and watched the little white king clear the pace with no hassle, before entering the next round of Sudoku game.

As a physical scum, Shi Baimeng has never played such a masochistic game, fell! She saw her head still muddled, why Xiaobai Wang had almost finished another game!

Shi Baimeng a pure heart eager to teach the multiplication formulas of elementary school, the glass is broken into countless petals.

Turning grief and anger into strength, Shi Baimeng got up and decided to go back and study hard. Every day he can't be beaten by a three-year-old cute baby.

When he returned to his room, Bai Meng searched for a circle. The textbooks for the upper grades were not found.

It took her less than ten minutes to hold a pencil and brush, and she finished a thin summer homework for the first grade primary school.

In the summer vacation homework, there is also a four-squared composition paper.

By the way, the 100-word composition of the summer vacation homework, write interesting things about the summer vacation.

Shi Baimeng wrote the title almost without thinking.

"The cutest brother in the world"

--I saw my angel this summer.


Where is 100 words enough to write? Not even one-tenth of my life is cute enough to describe it!

If he wasn't worried about writing too far beyond his age, Shi Baimeng wanted to come up with the passion to write a long comment of thousands of words.

After she finishes writing, she picks it up and examines it carefully. She revises and changes as close as possible to the child's naive and pure tone, but does not affect the rainbow fart effect on the little white king inside. Voila.


Less than half an hour, complete the summer homework.

Shi Baimeng's proud little expression didn't last for three seconds, his hands hug his face and lie on the table.

She is so proud of her summer homework in the first grade of elementary school!


Silly dream.


Shi Baimeng's voice flashed trancely in his mind.

It's just that Mao is "silly dream".

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