Chapter 036. Born bones

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It was already dark, and there were trees in the forest.

Even if a group of people have flashlight lighting, the road uphill is not easy.

Shi Baijin walked particularly cautiously, and had changed Shi Baimeng from his arms to his back. It was more convenient and easier to carry her than to hold.

Along the way, they continued to shout Ino's name, and Bai Meng was the same. Until now, her voice was dumb.

At this moment, Shi Baimeng deeply regretted that she knew to feed Xiaobai Wang and find a way to let Xiaobai Wang accept herself into his world. Why didn't she know how to help Xiaobai Wang learn to communicate with the outside world!

With Inno's question, even if they heard their voices, they would not respond with voices.

How to do? How to do......

The longer the time passed, the more rain, the stronger the pain in Shi Baimeng's heart.

It turned out that I didn't know when, Xiaobai Wang had penetrated into her heart.

Getting along these days, she has long been unable to treat the people around her as an illusory existence in the book.

They are all flesh and blood, and they truly enter her soul.

"Mengmeng, stop crying, your voice is dumb, there are others shouting, the voice is louder than yours." Shi Baijin turned to her and said to her.

Shi Baimeng nodded, licked his dry lips, buried his face in Bai Jin's back, and wiped off the rain on his face.

"Brother." Shi Baimeng raised his head again, and said in Shi Baijin's ear, "Go and intimidate the boy again."

"What's wrong?" Shi Baijin heard the words and looked forward.

He had to look after his sister, so he didn't walk fast, and was in the middle and back of the team.

Huzi was to lead the way and was led by the adults.

Shi Baimeng said in a dumb voice, "He can't take Nono with him so far during the day."

Shi Baijin understood at a glance, his eyes showing a fierce light.

"This little devil still dares to play!"

Putting Shi Baimeng down, Shi Baijin disregarded the obstruction of the adults and strode over to Huzi to grab him.

"Wow--" Hu Zi screamed. His fear of Shi Baijin had risen to the highest level after twice.

Especially now that the night is dark and the wind is heavy and the rain is dark, Shi Baijin's face is fierce, and in the eyes of the child it is comparable to the devil who eats people.

Shi Baijin grabbed Hu Zi's neck with one hand and pressed him to the ground.

The grown-ups around were terrified. I didn't know what crazy this teenager was, how could he treat a child like this.

"Dare you dare to play with your lord? Huh?" Shi Baijinsenhan smiled, "Five minutes, five minutes, you will not tell the lord the truth, the procrastinator will take us around, and the lord will strangle you, Throw you here to make fertilizer for flowers and plants."

Tiger's eyes widened in horror, and a miserable cry came from his throat.

Shi Baijin whispered: "Do you understand?"

Hu Zi cried, snoring and tears mixed, nodding noisily.

The adults understood this time, and I really didn't expect that at this time, Huzi would still play tricks on them.

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