Chapter 079. Something wrong

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As a former circling god, in the words of S station editor Lemon, it is: Dream God, you never want to escape my golden eyes, I have seen you through from the beginning, and it will be hot!

In fact, Shi Baimeng did catch on quickly.

It was just beyond Shi Baimeng's expectation that it was not her exquisite hand-painted paintings that she first became popular, but the "Little White King" series she originally published in Station S.

Sometimes the intention is to plant flowers but not to bloom, but to plant willows unintentionally to create shade. "Little White King" is her work that is updated most frequently, and painted most freely and attentively.

At first, she said bluntly that she would not use this work to sell profit. However, there were still copyright parties who came to discuss with her, and Shi Baimeng tirelessly threw the pot to Lemon.

Lemon didn't believe it at first, thinking that Shi Baimeng was not interested enough, so she specially used housekeeping skills to help her get the best contract, and eagerly came to Shi Baimeng, but was beaten to a closed door, and then really understood. This dreaming lady is really determined and does not intend to sell "Little White King".

Regarding this matter, Lemon really admires the former "Dreaming Wife" and the current "Dream God". And I have already determined in my heart that Mengshen is definitely not short of money.

How did he know that when Bai Meng was less than ten years old at that time, it was indeed not short of money and could not spend much.

Shi Xiaomeng, full of the heart of an old mother, always wanted to raise her cubs, and when she needed to prepare gifts for the little white king, she took orders more diligent than usual.

According to the original plan, "Little White King" will be a free daily comic work forever.

Who would have thought that one day Shi Baimeng's Weibo would receive news from Aunt Yi.

This Weibo is mainly for order-taking services. Except for order-taking works and some daily line drafts, Shi Baimeng will not post anything related to her daily life.

But even so, when Aunt Yi came to her door, the number of fans reached hundreds of thousands.

Below are a group of fans who are waiting to be fed, shouting "Dream God".

When I saw Aunt Yi's private message, Shi Baimeng was really frightened. Her first reaction was: It's over! ! It was discovered! ! !

This is like the cub of her YY family who was approached by her mother.

More than shame, it is too shame!

With an overwhelming heart, Shi Baimeng read Aunt Yi's private message, and found that Aunt Yi was the manager of Weishiguang Company to discuss the copyright of Xiaobaiwang's work with her.

When it was someone else, Shi Baimeng didn't bother to look at it once he knew the purpose.

It happened that she knew that this was Aunt Yi, so after reading Aunt Yi's private letter seriously, she fell into silent thought.

Aunt Yi expresses sincerity between the lines, which clearly shows her love for the work and her thoughts on the work.

Shi Baimeng admitted that she was moved by what Aunt Yi said, and she was about to move.

The still little white king, how can there be a live little white king so cute? As expected of Aunt Yi, you can see the essence of Little White King at a glance, and you can tell the cuteness of Little White King in one word.

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