Chapter 070. Not Fat! !

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Shi Baimeng will prepare candy in advance, that is to say, it is necessary to bribe the children around her, the one out of the car, even if there is no provocation by the children, she will find a chance to send the candy out.

Of course, she can't count that Ji Ma Ma will use the election method to choose a new monitor.

According to Bai Meng's own thoughts on time, she still cares about the position of the squad leader. The children are young and have an instinctive awe of the squad leader. With the identity of the squad leader, her deterrence is even greater.

However, if Ji Ma Ma didn't give it, her gains and losses were not heavy, and it was a big way to gain the awe of the children, and she could also use this as an umbrella for Little White King.

As a result, the number of votes for the election came out, and Shi Baimeng deservedly became the monitor.

The newly-appointed get out of class leader Meng was called by the head teacher to the office after class, which meant that she was clever and became smart. When she assumed this responsibility, she set an example, and next time she was not allowed to play small tricks.

Shi Baimeng promised to bribe the children who would definitely not grow up brightly in the future, thinking that if the circumstances were special, she would love to share.

The head teacher has seen that Bai Meng's mind is beyond the ordinary children, but she can never think of her as a complete adult, plus a natural look, make a mistake and a clever expression, Shui Lingling's eyes are innocent As soon as it was opened, an adult had to be a little bit soft, and put Shi Baimeng back.

When Shi Baimeng went back, he was pulled by Xiu Xiu and whispered, "Jima Ma called you to do?"

Shi Baimeng said honestly: "Let me not bring sugar to everyone in the future."


The little radish heads around either bright or quietly wailed.

Shi Baimeng continued, "The next time I don't bring too much, I will give the obedient good friends, and the teacher won't say me." He said that he took a stuffed out of his pocket for Xiu Xiu.

Xiu Xiu was reluctant to eat it when she got it, and was particularly proud of putting it in her pocket.

--Mengmeng said Ji Ma was inaccurate, but only had good friends who were obedient, indicating that she was very obedient and she was very good!

The radish heads around looked enviously.

After two more classes, Bai Meng couldn't help but go to the first grade to see the little white king while he was out of class.

The little white king was arranged in the first row. After class, he sat alone in the seat. The other children around him all formed a small gang, and some children were curious about him, and gathered around him to look at him.

Shi Baimeng saw a boy reaching for the hair of Xiaobai Wang and his eyes widened.

She just wanted to go in, and the bell ringing in class rang.

Seeing the boy pulling Xiao Baiwang's hair back to his seat, Bai Meng also ran back to his class.

After a hard time in a class, Bai Meng ran to the first grade when Xiu Bell played in the morning, and Xiu Xiu chased beside her.

As soon as she arrived at Xiaobaiwang's class, she saw the boy pulling Xiaobaiwang's hair before, and even coaxed him around with several people, and reached out to grab the milk from Xiaobaiwang's schoolbag.

The little white king stretched out his hand to come back and was pushed down by the boy.

Fortunately, the little white king was still sitting on the chair and pushed it without falling.

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