Chapter 058. Beg Hug

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"So lively?"

Aunt Yi, who followed in, glanced at the little ball standing in front, looking at the situation in front of her, a flash of Mingwu flashed in her eyes.

Shi Baimeng did not hear Aunt Yi's voice, but saw the figures of the two from the gap.

Little White King actually came!

When Shi Baimeng found out, he walked over to the door.

As soon as she moved, the little white king standing at the door also moved.

His speed is faster than that of Bai Meng.

"Nuo Nuo, why are you here?" Shi Baimeng's tone was surprised and happy.

But now the little white king can feel the former more.

Due to the difference in height, it also made his eyes accurately see the gift that Bai Meng held in his hand.

A pair of azure pupils were faint, pure as the mysterious forest of midnight, and there was a thin layer of frost on the expressionless face.

Shi Baimeng didn't get a response from Xiaobai Wang. He just wanted to reach out and pull him. Then he realized that it was inconvenient to hold something in his hand, so he wanted to put the gift down first.

She turned around and left without seeing Ino's suddenly raised head behind her.

At this moment, Ino exuded a quiet breath around his body, which was incompatible with everything around him.

Staring blankly at Shi Baimeng's back, he printed it into the empty eyes.

It was Shi Baijin who first noticed that Enoch was not right. He had been sensitive to certain gray breaths since he was young.

This is one of the reasons why he didn't like Inno from the beginning.

Even if others would think that Enoch was young, it seemed too pitiful to be too quiet. The first time he looked at Inno, he felt that the child was gloomy and disliked.

Just don't please him anyway.

Afterwards, it's fine.

How dare this guy stare at his sister with such eyes now? !

Shi Baijin couldn't explain what the "this kind of look" was, just as he said he didn't understand the instinct of being sensitive to certain people.

Anyway, it's not a good look, and it's not even good for Dreaming!

Shi Baijin, who was still smiling with his friends, suddenly calmed down, "It will be Mengmeng's birthday after a few days. I didn't leave that day. I gave her a gift in advance today."

This remark is the hilarious question before returning to Aunt Yi. Aunt Yi looked up to Bai Jin. The young man's displeasure manifested itself clearly, so she didn't need to guess.

Bai Jin looked at his little dough dough when he saw it, and Yi Yi also understood the source of this displeasure.

In other words, Yi Yi's explanation was too lazy to explain.

This time, she didn't leave and didn't make sense to let the little dough be wronged. Aunt Yi smiled and said: "Nuo Nuo wants to come over and give Xiaomengmen a surprise."

Shi Baijin's eyes on Aunt Yi, Qi Yan slightly converged, "What a surprise?"

He looked at Xiaobai Wang, and this one surprised him.

When did the stupid boy go silently to dream! ?

Judging from Shi Baijin's direction, the three-year-old boy was like a young cat creature, and his dim look approached Shi Baimeng step by step. The speed was not slow, fast, or silent.

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