Chapter 031. Fight

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Shi father shouted the two children, knowing that they had eaten breakfast, gave Shi Baimeng two boiled corn, and then went busy.

Why give Shi Baimeng two boiled corn?

Because he gave Eno equal to nothing, others would not eat it.

--Shi Baimeng has worked hard to cultivate the habit of Xiaobai Wang towards her, and has invisibly formed the habit of Shi father.

When he gave Shi Baimeng two boiled corns, the behavior was natural and smooth, and the movements were natural. This was the slightest point that he didn't feel anything wrong.

Shi Baimeng didn't think there was anything wrong. He naturally fed Xiao Bai Wang first and then ate it himself.

The two children sat on the long bench in the living room, their legs shook unconsciously, and the front door was the big open door.

Several tables and chairs were placed in the yard outside, and adults and children were chatting in groups outside.

Even if you can't see the whole picture of the outside just by a door, you can know how busy it is by listening to the sound.

Shi Baimeng didn't plan to join in the excitement. With the idle time, it might as well be cute and interesting to see the little jojigo shaking by the little white king.

It's just that she and Xiaobai's quietness didn't last long, but they were destroyed by a group of adults and children.

A woman came in and reached out and pinched Xiaobai Wang's face, "Hey! This child is really good! It's still abroad!"

Shi Baimeng opened his eyes, almost counter-conditionally, opened his hands and pulled Xiao Bai Wang into his arms.

At the same time, Ino's body slammed back and crashed into Bai Meng's small arms.

The movement of the two children is like a tacit agreement in advance, and the speed of the cooperation is so fast that the women's hands are missed.

Women's expressions are stunned.

When Shi Baimeng embraced Xiaobai Wang, he could feel the stiffness of the small body in his arms.

"Hahaha, these two children have a really good relationship."

"Look you scared people."

"This little girl is the granddaughter of Sister Wang. Her skin is as white as milk, and she looks more beautiful than the doll in the painting."

A group of loud-speaking women talked eloquently, and there were small children running around, screaming around the crowd.

Shi Baimeng couldn't tell when he was bitter. He knew that he couldn't stay in the room.

Grandma Shih was very happy to hear and introduced her to Shi Baimeng.

Although I can't leave quickly, I have to give my grandmother a face, and I should be more polite.

Shi Baimeng can only hold the little white king, not to touch this group of women, sweetly shouting this aunt X, that grandma X, aunt X, coaxed a group of women to smile and put their hands up and down.

Shi Baimeng used both hands to protect the little white king. He gritted his teeth and endured the enthusiasm of others, such as pinching his face and touching his head, telling himself that it was nothing.

Suddenly, a thief's hand tried to dye the little white king, and Bai Meng slapped the hand off with a slap.

Children photographed people without pain, and the women who were photographed smiled.

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