Chapter 018. Red Duck!

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In the gray space, Shi Baimeng calmed down after a short surprise.

Looking at the direction of Inomenova's dream, she did not rush to rush to confirm her guess, but continued to analyze the role of ability.

The scene that happened last time when I entered the dream of Xiaobaiwang is clearly remembered again and again.

Although the process was embarrassing, falling and crying, Bai Meng didn't feel much angry when he recalled at this time, but it was a bit ridiculous.

"At that time, my consciousness was sober, but I couldn't control my behavior and expression, as if it was set by the rules."

"Similar to the characters in a play, according to the requirements of the script and the director, the body automatically makes corresponding expressions and actions."

"Since it is Inno's dream, it represents Inno's subconscious or inner world, and he is the leader of this world. That is to say, in Nono's cognition, I am like this!"

Step by step analysis of the results, Shi Baimeng glared, recalling the last two words Ino Mengwa said.

Silly dream.

Crying bag!

Well, the truth came out, and Xiao Bai Wang thought that 80% of her is true.

As for why it gives Xiaobai Wang such an impression.

When Shi Bai dreamed about what the robot said in the last dream-the original owner's insult to Inno, the error rate was 100%.

Shi Baimeng's complexion suddenly turned to his forehead.

I always think that according to the current analysis, maybe in the heart of Xiaobai Wang, the original insult is not an insult to him at all, but a little idiot who hasn't figured out things and information, just talks stupidly. One pass to show your low IQ?

Immediately after this little fool who showed his low IQ, he also performed a flat fall in front of Xiaobai Wang-trying to push people, but he did not push them down. He first fell himself and turned his horse back and closed his eyes.

One can imagine the image of the original owner in the small world at the heart of Ino...

After analyzing and organizing all of this, Shi Baimeng suddenly felt a sense of shame that he had no face to face Ino Xiaomeng's dream.

Go to his psychological shadow.

It turned out that when she was still trembling, others didn't take her as a threat at all.

Although there is no shadow is a great thing, but I can't be happy about Xiaobai's current knowledge of her!

The gray space did not give Shi Baimeng more trouble, and the light in front suddenly swayed and became unstable.

When Shi Baimeng was stunned, he looked up with a feeling.

The light that represented Inno's dream suddenly flickered, and seemed to go out immediately.

"Is this a nightmare to be awakened?" Shi Baimeng murmured, then quickly ran towards the light.

Although it is embarrassing to be regarded as a crying little fool by Xiaobai Wang, how can such a good golden finger be placed in front of his eyes?

Shi Baimeng's heart is very clear. Compared with slowly trying to enter Inno's eyes in reality, he can invade himself in his dream, which is equivalent to mastering a shortcut that leads directly to the bottom of his heart. White King's thoughts and needs.

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