Chapter 071. He Was Scared

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Shi Baimeng first sent out an invitation to his birthday by the group of small carrot heads from the same school bus. After arriving at school, he found time to go to Xiaobaiwang's class and invited Fathu's brother and the boy who had taken the lead in bullying Xiaobaiwang.

Panghu is a boy in Shi Baimeng's class. His real name is Zhang Hu. He is nicknamed Panghu when he is chubby.

Only a few days after Shi Baimeng became the squad leader, Fat Tiger had completely returned to her team. Shi Baimeng accepted him and was very satisfied: After Fat Tiger's brother and Xiao Bai Wang were at the same table, he even brought Xiao Bai Wang. Befriended the boy who had bullied him, and succeeded in getting Xiaobaiwang into the group.

Although most of the time the Fat Tiger brother and the Banba boy played together, the little white king was still quiet and silent, but the first grade A class had already recognized that they were a small group.

After sending out the invitation, Shi Bai Meng had to rush back to class and gave Fat Hu brother a small bag of candy.

She thinks that Brother Fat Tiger is an individual talent, and she can rest assured of Xiaobai Wang's future study career, but she doesn't know that after she turned and left, Brother Fat Tiger took the bag of sweets that he had just received, and was full of gluttony. , But he insisted on pushing to the front of Xiaobaiwang.

Little White King, who had never reacted to anything in the class, quietly stretched out his chubby paw, took the candy bag with the same firmness, and put it in his school bag.

Brother Fat Tiger: "Don't you eat?"

Little White King did not speak.

Brother Fat Tiger continued to test, "Will it melt away?"

Xiaobai Wang reads quietly.

Fat Tiger's brother's eyes stuck to Xiaobaiwang's schoolbag, "Do you not like candy?"

He heard from his brother that the second-year class leader's sister's candy is delicious.

When Fat Tiger's brother was about to move, Xiaobai Wang turned his head and looked over.

To Brother Fat Tiger, like everyone else in the class, he felt that Yinuo looked different, and his eyes were also scary.

It's a bit like green and a bit bluish, the deeper it goes in, the darker it forms, and it's quiet to the extreme without any emotions.

The child didn't know how to describe these eyes, and the vocabulary of Fat Tiger's mind was not enough, but he only understood that when he saw it every time, he was a little scared in his heart... well, actually he was scared.

Especially after he saw what Yinuo did.

Both my brother and the classmates thought that Chu Xiaoqin stopped bullying Yinuo because of him.

Only he knew it was not!

Chu Xiaoqin must also know, but he doesn't know clearly.

Last time Yinuo and Chu Xiaoqin were accidentally locked in the toilet and were late. Yinuo was not punished by the teacher, and Chu Xiaoqin was scolded.

In the last physical education class, Chu Xiaoqin pushed Yinuo down and fainted, and was almost called the parent. In fact, Yinuo didn't really faint!

Last time, the caterpillar in the Inno homework book scared the class teacher, and then it was discovered that the caterpillar was caused by Chu Xiaoqin, who was hit by the board.

Last time...

Yinuo spoke, helped Chu Xiaoqin speak in class, and said a lot of very smooth and pleasant words.

Then, the teacher did not punish Chu Xiaoqin.

Then, Chu Xiaoqin did not bully Yinuo.

Then, the unlucky days of Chu Xiaoqin being possessed by a declining god came to an end.

Brother Fat Tiger knew these secrets and told his brother quietly, but after listening to them, his brother sympathized with Yinuo very much. He went to talk to his mother again, and then the mother said that this is a really good boy, especially after knowing that Yinuo was only three years old, and happily told him to take good care of Yinuo, learn from Yinuo, and be good friends with him. !

Brother Fat Tiger couldn't understand why this was, but it didn't affect his inexplicable fear of Yinuo.

After a few days of getting along with each other, Brother Fat Tiger found that Yinuo is indeed good-he can copy his homework, eat his snacks, and be friends with him is a privilege! ! !

Being late can be said to lead the way for Yinuo.

If you don't run in physical education class, you can say to take care of Ino.

If you can't answer the question, you can ask Yinuo to answer.

The teacher will not punish him anymore! ! !

After returning home, I told my parents that Yinuo could be given some more snacks, and told him to bring Yinuo to eat-he secretly ate them by himself.

However, Yinuo has a problem. As long as it is related to the second grade class leader's sister, Yinuo will react.

Especially the things given by the second-grade class leader sister must be handed over to him!

Otherwise, the consequences will be serious! !

Now the younger brother of Fat Tiger, who is being looked at directly by Xiaobai Wang, has a natural and strong desire to survive, so that he can save himself in time, "Sister Sister's birthday, what gift do you want to give?"

Xiao Baiwang's eyelashes quickly slammed, "No."

"Huh?" Brother Fat Tiger didn't expect Yinuo to speak. He was a little scared--every time Yinuo didn't speak, it would happen once he did.

Xiaobai Wang said: "No," he stared at Fat Tiger's brother with silent eyes, "giving Mengmeng gifts."

Brother Fat Tiger has no money. He also wants to buy snacks and toys he likes when he has money. It would be great to not give gifts.

"Can you really not send it?"

Little White King nodded.

Brother Fat Tiger was happy, "It's great, isn't the squad leader's sister's house particularly delicious?"

Xiao Bai Wang has turned his head and ignored him.

------Off-topic ------


Happy little angels 61, I will add more to you~ Second, it should be afternoon~

Xiaobaiwang: Take whatever I want, what Mengmeng gives must be mine.

Aunt Yi: I gave yours! I can give it whatever I want, right! ?

Ershui: I am so happy, the boy is more exciting, and will finally take the initiative to attack. (At present, the relationship between the two is not love, don't think too much. Of course, it doesn't affect eating sugar, right~haha~)

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