Chapter 023. Uncle Shi and Little Cousin

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"Sleep, sleep."

The little girl's soft and glutinous voice coaxed people like sweet marshmallows.

When the father in the driver's seat glanced at the rearview mirror, he saw the two little people clinging to each other in the back row. The warm and lovely picture made him smile, and then he no longer distracted by driving seriously.

Shi Baimeng's palm gently stroked the back of the little white king who was leaning on his arms, feeling his body gradually relaxing, and also sleeping with his eyes closed.

I can't get there for an hour or two all the way. It would be a little sad if I stayed in the car without sleeping.

As soon as Shi Baimeng entered the gray dream space, he first glanced at the silver light representing the entrance of Xiao Baiwang's dream, and it was stable without any waves. He knew that he slept more peacefully and did not dream.

She didn't intend to go in and create a dream for him subconsciously.

Before being sure whether Xiaobai Wang can wake up to remember her dream, she still has to be careful. It is a bit strange to dream every day and dream about the object every time.

Even if Xiaobai Wang woke up and would not remember his dream, Shi Baimeng did not intend to go to his dream every day to make psychological hints.

She wanted to get close to Xiaobai Wang, not to wait to conquer him.

As she said, the place to sleep is here. When Shi Baijin was awakened by Shi Baijin, Shi Baimeng sincerely thanked the child's physique for easy sleep. God knows that she suffered enough from motion sickness in her previous life, and she hates going out more.

In the sunny weather, Shi Baimeng took Ino out of the car and was dazzled by the sun, and was soon refreshed by a breeze.

The air and wind in the mountain village are different from those in the steel city.

"Eh! Brother, you are here." The man's laughter came not far away.

Shi Baimeng looked up, and the oncoming man was carrying light. Her eyes, which hadn't adapted to the change of light for a while, didn't see her looks clearly.

"I'm waiting to be baked," the man smiled as he walked closer, giving him a feeling of cheerfulness. "Haha, Bai Jin grew taller, and Mengmeng was more beautiful than last time."

"Little Uncle." Shi Baijin greeted him.

When Shi Baimeng heard it, he shouted, "Little Uncle."

Finally adjusted to the outside sun's line of sight also saw the person's appearance.

This man's height is not bad, but he is a little fat. The facial features can be seen as handsome. It is not greasy on the round face, and the smile is full of affinity.

Shi Baimeng thought to himself: Still his father is more handsome and graceful, and he is also a well-dressed old handsome man. He didn't make a beer belly like this little uncle, wasting a good foundation.

"Eh!" Uncle Shi smiled and greeted them, "Give the luggage to Xiao Liu, dad and they are still waiting at home."

"No, there is not much. Xiao Liu is inconvenient," Shi father said.

Both Shifu and Shi Baijin had two suitcases in their hands, dragging them up with their heights and looks effortless.

Xiao Liu followed Uncle Shi and said flatly, "There is nothing inconvenient."

Shi father still shook his head, and said to Shi Baimeng: "Mengmeng is close, and Nono don't wrestle." He also explained to Shi Baijin, "Be good about your brother and sister."

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