Chapter 025. Lure

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When Shi Xiaotang's cousin had just left, Shi Baimeng got up from the bed, how could he be a little sleepy.

Even if it was the little white king lying next to her, although her eyes were closed, Shi Baimeng knew that he was not asleep.

On Xiaobai Wang's body, she could feel the restlessness emanating from her tiny body.

It's just that Xiao Bai's restlessness is not as exposed as normal children.

It was this unexposed endurance alone that made Shi Baimeng more worried.

Shi Baimeng held Xiaobai Wang's hand in one hand, looked at his quiet and pure sleeping face, and fell into contemplation.

If anyone comes in at this moment, it will definitely be surprised by the indifferent and serious expression of the girl on the bed, and there is still the innocence of those grandpas who faced him halfway before.

From the moment she met Uncle, she actually felt something was wrong.

No matter how close Uncle Shi seemed to be, he deliberately ignored the behavior of Xiaobai Wang so clearly.

Later, when I came to Grandpa Shih, both Grandpa Shih and Grandma Shih ignored Eno. Grandpa Shih did the most direct thing. The dislike of Eno was superficial, and the words were not hidden.

The two generations of the Shi family here are embarrassing a three-year-old child. It is not right to say that they are old and bad. After all, she can feel that Grandpa Shi and Grandma Shi don't dislike children. It's good.

What made them reject Inno like this?

Is it the forced influence of the plot?

Just like Shi Baijin's dislike of Yinuo.

Even if she tried to change, Shi Baijin still didn't like Inno, but she would never bully him again.

Wait, the plot affects?

Shi Baimeng's brain shook this point, and his expression became more cautious.

This is her biggest advantage, isn't it more simple than guessing the thoughts of her relatives who are relatively new to her, far from simply recalling the information in the plot.

Speaking of the plot, Shi Baimeng remembered the words that Xiao Xiaodi had said to her before leaving.

--I like you very much--

"Of course you like it." Shi Baimeng murmured.

How could Shi Xiaotang not like Xiaobai Wang?

Shi Baimeng thought: You are a good knife under Bai Wang's hand, one of his direct brothers.

When she first saw Shi Xiaotang, she didn't think about it. Until Shi Baijin shouted his name, and later suffered various indifferences of Xiao Bai Wang by Shi family, she got her heart.

A few plots about Shi Yunxi gradually revived in Shi Baimeng's mind, and gradually she remembered it.

Although it is a short supporting role, there are not too many brothers and sisters in the drama before the original calculation. But every time his name appears, he is either helping White King to deal with things or planning for White King. A few words can outline a wise and plump image.

It is such a person, like the shadow of the White King hiding in the dark, it is very unobtrusive on weekdays, and you may not even think of him without his drama length. However, once he appears, it will definitely make you unable to ignore.

What is the reason why he will become the younger brother of White King?

Shi Baimeng twiddled his brows and thought for a while. After a while, his mind flashed suddenly, finally remembering the details.

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