Chapter 082

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Chu Qin took a few boys to the job of arranging accommodation, saving Shi Baimeng nearly half of the workload.

The girls are quiet and obedient here, and they didn't run around, so arrangements were quickly made.

Shi Baimeng was also able to get away from work, remembering what Yinuo had mentioned, and turned to look for him.

It was found that Xiao Bai Wang was still staying not far away, sitting on a bench under the eaves, and their travel bags were placed next to him.

In the shadow, the contours of Xiaobaiwang's face were deeper, and the lazy and quiet temperament on his body seemed to have stopped the surrounding air.

It's beautiful like a painting.

Shi Baimeng walked towards him, and within a few steps saw a strange girl approach him.

The girl was holding a plate of watermelon in her hand, her lips moved and she didn't know what she said.

Seeing this situation, I probably wanted to invite Xiao Bai Wang to eat melon.

Faced with the kindness of strangers, Xiao Bai Wang did not respond.

The girl said a few more words, but her face gradually became embarrassed after receiving no response.

Shi Baimeng walked less than five steps away from the two of them, and heard the girl's voice clearly, "This is iced in the spring water in the mountains. It is sweeter than the melons in the city. Don't you really taste it."

Yinuo, who had never reacted, was shocked and raised his eyelids to see Shi Baimeng accurately.

Before the girl was happy, she turned her head and looked over, her expression stiffened.

Shi Baimeng then saw her face clearly, a lovely girl, perhaps only 12 or 3 years old.

Girls of this age are generally not ugly, as long as there are no defects in their facial features, just with delicate skin, full of collagen, and fresh breath, youth is the greatest beauty.

Shi Bai couldn't dream of who this girl was. Seeing her holding a watermelon, he asked, "You are not from our school, right?"

The girl glanced at her, quickly moved her gaze away, and then turned her gaze back again, but she pressed her lips with a stubborn expression that refused to admit defeat.

Shi Baimeng waited for two seconds, but the girl still ignored her.

Is this expression hostile?

Are they meeting for the first time?

Shi Baimeng was inexplicable, asking himself that there was nothing wrong with it, and also wanted to ask if the girl belonged to the boss's house, and if the little white king wanted to take a bath, he could talk to others.

Yinuo was not in a very beautiful mood either. He had waited so long obediently. Silly Mengmeng obviously saw him. Why did he chat with someone he didn't know when he came, and ignore him.

Before the girl tried so hard and didn't get into Yinuo's line of sight, this would make Yinuo take the initiative to turn his head and put his sight on her.

Yinuo's eyes are very beautiful, and inadvertent misunderstandings are often caused. His active attention is more likely to give people a illusion.

As soon as the girl touched his gaze, her face was bloodshot and flushed from her neck, but the joy in her eyes couldn't hide, and it was about to overflow.

When Shi Baimeng took a look, she finally realized it.

This was attracted by the little white king and regarded himself as an imaginary enemy.

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