Chapter 021. My World Is Only You

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One night, Shi Baimeng didn't get much useful information.

Shi Baijin told her all the anecdotes that happened in the company and made the children play.

It is estimated that he thinks that all she wants to hear is that, after all, no real six-year-old will understand the deep meaning of the company.

Well, our golden thigh male lead Xiaobai Wang may be an exception.

Moreover, Shi Baimeng can feel from Shi Baijin's account that her cheap brother doesn't know much about Shijia's company. Currently, she only works seriously in the positions that Shifu arranged for him. Without rising ambitions, she naturally didn't go. Learn more about the meaning.

When it was time to go to sleep, Bai Meng washed himself and lay on his small bed. After a while, he was relieved.

I can't remember the key, even if it doesn't matter if I worry about it now.

As the saying goes, the boat is naturally straight to the bridgehead.

As long as he doesn't have an enmity with Xiaobai Wang, the worst outcome of Shijia's future is nothing more than bankruptcy.

She is not really a six-year-old doll. She had the ability to feed herself in her previous life. When Shi Jia was bankrupt, she could not starve her family.

After thinking about it, Bai Meng closed her eyes and fell asleep with peace of mind. When she stood in the gray space again, her brain clearly recalled the last dream, including seeing the white light of the channel linking to the Inno dream. There was a moment in her heart. The collapse was followed by great luck.

Fortunately, during the day, she didn't show the picture book to Xiaobai Wang. The ghost knew that Xiaobai Wang Ji didn't remember his own dream?

What if you remember? Seeing her draw 80% similar pictures is a personal suspicion.

Even if the three-year-old Xiaobai Wang does not doubt, with his memory, he will find doubts when he thinks up when he grows up.

When standing in the gray space, Bai Meng sat directly on the ground. Anyway, no one could see her gesture here.

"Forget! I forgot again!"

"Nono accepted me so easily during the day, and it should be related to entering his dream, so I thought right last time."

"It's just that after two dreams, I woke up and I forgot, but I didn't forget the completeness, which can be understood as being buried in the subconscious memory."

"Fortunately, I didn't go into trouble twice, but instead I helped myself."

Shi Baimeng scratched his hair depressively. Of course it's good to be able to enter the dream brush, but it's really troublesome to wake up and forget this. It's fortunate that there is no problem once or twice, but it doesn't mean that it happens every time. lucky.

This is a society ruled by law. It's nice to suddenly find out that I have a special ability. But if something is wrong, as if it was discovered in a novel, what would happen if she was taken to the Academy of Sciences for confinement and even sliced ​​and studied?

Should we not use it from now on? It seems that the gray space belongs to her, and the white light is the entrance to the dream, and she will not be discovered without entering the dream.

This thought rose, but was abandoned by Shi Baimeng in just three seconds.

"Why don't you have the ability, don't do too much afterwards."

Shi Baimeng raised his fighting spirit again, suddenly stood up and rushed in the direction of Bai Guang.

Last time, she made an appointment with Xiaobai Wang. How could she be a personal health assistant?

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