Chapter 098

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Shi Baimeng sighed at Inoha with a full squat.

Then he looked at Xiaobai Wang full of expectation.

Yinuo also looked at her.

The two looked at each other for two or three seconds.

Yinuo questioned, "Okay?"

Shi Baimeng felt the strong malice of the world!

What a shame!

When she drew the same person CP back then, there were a lot of screaming Su Su Su sultry results below, and they were shattered in the face of reality.

Yinuo, who was suddenly stared fiercely by Shi Baimeng, shrugged her shoulders, looked at her in surprise, and then looked straight, exclaiming, "What did you do to Mengmeng, my ears are numb!"

No matter how good the acting is, it can't change the late malaise!

And what are you talking about!

Shi Baimeng was so shocked that she lost the strength to get angry. Feeling the line of sight from the class teacher, she turned her head tiredly, "sleeping."

After speaking, he closed his eyes and leaned on the seat in a "don't disturb" sleeping posture.

Yinuo watched for a long while, still wondering why Silly Mengmeng was in a bad mood.

Isn't he as uncomfortable as she was blown?

Yinuo rubbed his ears again, but it was really not uncomfortable, but...itchy.

Thinking it itch again.

Yinuo stared at Shi Baimeng's face, first went to look for the ears deliberately covered by Silly Mengmeng, only to see the tip of the iceberg in her black hair.

He moved his gaze down, and observed the eyebrows, eyes, nose, and lips.

Yinuo's mouth picked up. Silly Mengmeng is a small bug, it must have stung his ears, so it itch for so long.

Shi Baimeng opened his eyes suddenly.

This time, Yinuo was really caught off guard, with a smirk on his face, and with innocent eyes open, he immediately remedied Shi Baimeng and said, "Let Mengmeng sleep on your shoulders."

Shi Baimeng looked at him suspiciously, shook his head and said, "Don't play with the phone in the car." Then he closed his eyes.

Yinuo was taken aback before he remembered that he could still play on his mobile phone.


When the bus arrived at the foot of the mountain, the bus arranged by the school was already waiting.

Bai Meng got out of the car when Yinuo wanted to hug, but she refused, and instead held his shoulders. Almost the weight of his body was hanging on his body, and step by step, he jumped to the school bus.

"Shi Bai Meng." When he was about to get on the bus, the boy shouted from behind.

Shi Baimeng looked back and saw Dong Jiqing running towards this side.

He was tall, with long legs, and quickly ran in front of him.

Shi Baimeng looked up and smiled at him.

Dong Jiqing also laughed and took out his mobile phone nervously, "Can you exchange contact information?"

Before Shi Baimeng had time to answer, he immediately said, "WeChat is also fine."

Shi Baimeng had a good impression of him, nodded, and took out the phone.

As a result, when I saw the cracked screen on the phone screen that hadn't had time to repair, Shi Baimeng's expression also cracked. Thinking of the cause of the crack, he glanced at Xiaobai Wang.

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