Chapter 076. Chicheng Pufferfish

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Shi Baimeng turned his head to see Yinuo's damaging face, his eyes were slightly bent, and his thick eyelashes curled up, which naturally formed the bad feelings that made people throbbing.


When he grew up watching him grow up, Bai Meng knows that this affection is an illusion. It is an innate trait of Xiao Bai Wang's appearance. The inadvertent eye waves are more attractive than peachy eyes. Carelessness can cause misunderstanding. Make the little girl blush.

Shi Baimeng, who was a little angry at this time, blurted out his childhood address.

Seeing Yinuo's shoulder shrugged, he knew it was broken. But I have already yelled, and I can't get it back.

How old is it to be 12 years old, it's so damned to save face, what's wrong with Nono! If someone accidentally calls you little white king, it will really explode in place!

Shi Baimeng murmured to herself, her face clenched, but the expression in Yinuo's eyes softened clearly, "Give me the water, and it will turn into a salted fish after almost an hour in the sun."

Yinuo glanced at her, took the coconut milk from his pocket and threw it over.

Shi Baimeng caught it, a little dissatisfied. The coconut milk that has been kept at room temperature for an hour, there is no mineral spring that has just come out of the freezer and is still air-conditioned to quench your thirst.

"Why didn't you drink?"

Yinuo said, "I don't like it."

Shi Baimeng glared at him helplessly, "You are too capricious like this."

Eno didn't respond.

Standing quietly without speaking is just a beautiful picture that makes the girls around him want to put their eyes on him. I am afraid that no matter how willful they are, there are more people willing to indulge.

Think about it carefully, the biggest culprit for this willfulness is yourself. Shi Baimeng opened up the coconut milk with nothing to say, drank half of the can in one breath, and then put it down to feel that he had come back to life again.

One looked up.


When did Xiao Bai Wang get so close?

Shi Baimeng looked at Yinuo who was approaching in a puzzled way. He didn't bother to speak and asked him what he was doing.

Yinuo stretched out his hand, wiped Shi Baimeng's forehead with his fingertips, and then rubbed his fingers before him.

Shi Baimeng followed his movements, "Nothing."

"Yeah." Yinuo nodded slightly, then looked up at Shi Baimeng, and said seriously: "There is no salt, Mengmeng has not become a salted fish."



Shi Baimeng took a breath.

Ino's eyes widened.

The beautiful boy made this expression, cute and adorable.

Shi Baimeng decided not to have the same knowledge as Xiaobaiwang.

Yinuo said: "It has become a pufferfish."

Shi Baimeng: "!!!"

Putting the coconut milk can into Xiao Baiwang's hand, Shi Baimeng said fiercely: "From today, the milk for a week will be changed to coconut milk!"

Yinuo's discoloration changed.

Shi Baimeng turned around and left.

Yinuo handed the mineral water to Zhang Mao, and immediately grabbed her with his hand.

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