Chapter 024. Little Genius

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Grandma came out of the house when her hair was half-white, and her father took the luggage to the house when greeted.

"Take a break first, and then you will be able to eat." Grandma Shi smiled at Shi father, and then waved towards Shi Baimeng. "Come, Xiaojin, Mengmeng, come and show grandma."

Shi Baimeng took Ino over and shouted, "Grandma."

"Good!" Grandma took out a handful of fried peanuts grown in the village from her pocket and stuffed it into Bai Meng's little hands. "Have some food first. Do you miss Grandma?"

"Thinking~" Shi Baimeng smiled sweetly at her grandmother's white teeth.

Grandma squeezed her cheek with a smile.

Facing the elders of the grandmother, Shi Baimeng could only bear to make the elders happy.

When Grandma pinched and patted her little head, "Grandma went to cook and went to play with your grandpa."

"Okay~ Grandma's cooking is best." Shi Baimeng patted a little fart, which made Grandma Shi laugh out loud.

Shi Baimeng went to Grandpa Shih again, and when Grandpa was taking the oral exam, Bai Jin's homework.

Shi Baijin is already a high school student. Grandpa Shi is not easy to take the exam. In fact, he still asks him some difficulties in learning, and then encourages and warns him that he should study hard and not learn badly.

Shi Baijin, who was arrogant and powerful in the juniors of the Shi family, stood quietly beside Grandpa Shi. He was quite bluffing, and it was also a vigorously growing little white poplar.

When Shi Baimeng approached, he noticed that Shi Baijin took advantage of an angle that Grandpa couldn't see, and frowned at himself.

Shi Baimeng was so amused that his eyes laughed like a crescent moon, and he endured no sound, and did not pit his brother on the spot.

Shi Baijin laughed straight after the silent hey, deservedly his baby sister, smart and sensible, so understanding with his brother.

On the other side, the little cousin Shi Yunxi took this scene into his eyes, his expression was not obvious, but his eyes were extremely bright, showing envy.

"Grandpa!" Shi Baimeng's shout really attracted Shi's grandfather's attention, letting him pass Shi Baijin.

Shi Baijin hurriedly said that he was going to sort his luggage, so he dragged the box and slipped first.

"Mengmeng come and sit." When Grandpa looked at Shi Baimeng, he got a spirit and even had a loving smile on his face.

The older generation is more patriarchal than female, but I don't know whether it's fortunate or unfortunate in the current generation. The family is born with a son. Only when Bai Meng, a sweethearted baby padded jacket girl, looks handsome It's not too much to say that it's the most exquisite of this generation of juniors.

This makes the older generation can't help but love more. When grandpa is always rigorous and rigorous when facing her, he will be unconsciously soft and a little bit.

Shi Baimeng walked to Grandpa Shi's side, but he didn't sit by.

When Grandpa took pictures of her thighs, what if she was sitting on someone else's lap and holding the little white king in her hand?

Grandpa Shi's eyes followed her, and his eyes fell on Ino's face.

Shi Baimeng just wanted to introduce it. When he saw it, the grandpa's face was unhappy, and he swallowed it when he reached the throat.

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