Chapter 090

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"What I said is true. I saw Li Tongyu and Jiang Bo come to this mountain for a date together."

The short-haired girl speaks fast and anxiously, "I didn't take the photo, so there is no evidence, but as long as the president tells you to the teacher, the teacher will definitely believe you."

Shi Baimeng said, "Then why should I believe your one-sided words?"

The short-haired girl turned her head back as if she was insulted, "You don't believe what I said? We all came here to help the president of your anger, so that Li Tongyu was threatened."

Fat Tiger inserted his mouth, "What does Li Tongyu threaten you?"

"She recorded a video of us educating that little bitch."

Fat Tiger smashed his mouth, "No wonder you just asked if you saw Li Tongyu, and they didn't dare to speak.

These girls look cute and lively on weekdays, and sometimes they are surprised by what they say.

After a long time, they turned out to be running up the mountain in partnership to bully people.

The girl said: "We didn't do anything. She must have made it so serious. She must have done it deliberately. It was obvious that she made a mistake first, fell in love first, and I didn't even complain."

"Li Tongyu also denied that she threatened me to spread rumors about her, so she would definitely not dare to be so arrogant if the chairman went to say."

Shi Baimeng, who was looked at by the girl with full of certainty and expectation, felt a little irritable and helpless.

It's no wonder that Li Tongyu is not afraid of girls going to report her. Based on the rhetoric of girls, an adult will find her mouth full of loopholes. What is more suspicious is that she wants the wicked to complain first.

After all, according to what the girls said, Li Tongyu had evidence of bullying.

"Let's find someone first." Shi Baimeng doesn't want to entangle the issue of premature love or not. The most serious problem is to solve the current problem.

"..." The girl was silent.

Shi Baimeng looked at her suspiciously and was about to speak, when the girl suddenly broke out, "How can you not believe me!" Turned and ran.

Shi Baimeng: "...!!!" For a moment, she was full of curse.

Are these adolescents overly sensitive!

If you haven't found one or two, you can run another at the speed of the opponent, even if you can recognize the way.

"Fat Tiger!" Shi Baimeng yelled, motioning for him to get him back.

Fat Tiger looked back at her, meaning: What about you?

Shi Baimeng sighed, "I made a mark, don't go far, I will go back if I don't find it again."

Fat Tiger was always relieved by Shi Baimeng's calmness and stability. Hearing what she said, he should get down and quickly chase the girl who ran away.

In a blink of an eye, I was alone in the darkness.

How strong I was in front of Fat Tiger and the others, in fact, Shi Bai Meng rubbed his arms with a little fear inside.

In the future, I will definitely no longer take over the position of class cadre! !

Such a declaration appeared in her heart again.

While holding a flashlight to shoot around, this is far more than relying on her to shout. If someone sees it, he can immediately find the location.

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